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Returning Lizards

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Silverblight, Mar 24, 2014.

  1. Silverblight

    Silverblight New Member

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    Greetings all! Glad to have found this board because I've always loved the dinoaurs. Big fan of scalies. I haven't played with the Lizardmen since 6th edition, so there are lots of new models. (That Carnosaur!!!) Though a couple I'm less impressed by. (The steg... why is his butt so huge???)

    You'll probably see me around the painting section since I stripped everything I had down and am going to repaint them all. So my current collection is:

    1 Saurus Champion
    8 CoC
    24 saurus
    24 skinks
    1 Slann Mage

    And I also have coming in:
    1 Skink priest
    1 Steg (old model + stuff to give him the new platform)
    3 Teradons
    (The gosh danged new rulebooks :U )

    So it'll be fun! Looking forward to it. ;)
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forum. Old schoolers are always welcome. I played in sixth and then took a long break for before picking up 8th edition myself.

    The Tactica Index will get you started on gameplay. The general overview entry on top will give you a basic primer on what's new these days.

    The painting forumites always appreciate old school models.

    I hope you enjoy your stay here.

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