8th Ed. Rippas frenzy and vanguard??

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by lizardmek, Aug 6, 2013.

  1. lizardmek

    lizardmek New Member

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    if the unit of rippas vanguard

    if they fail there ld would the have to charge even though they have vanguarded

  2. Demelain

    Demelain Member

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    The bezerk rage rule states that the unit with frenzy must charge if it is able to do so, unless it passes a leadership test.

    Since the vanguard rule states that it cannot declare a charge, then it does not charge.
  3. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    The rippers don't have to test or charge on turn 1 as Demelain has outlined if Lizzies are going first on turn 1. However, if the opponent goes first on turn 1, then the rippers would have to test (and possibly charge) on Lizard turn 1. There are two ways of addressing the frenzy baiting problem that I can think of:

    1) Declare a charge during the charge sub-phase against a unit you think you can survive or win against. Alternatively, declare a charge that has little hope of succeeding (i.e. at 22" distance if your opponent has been so kind). In either event, also consider where the rippers will end up if they overrun/pursue or have a failed charge since they cannot opt to flee from a counter charge.

    2) Taunt your foes by turning the rippers' rear ends toward the opposing units and then making appropriate sounds that display the utter contempt and disdain the rippers have for enemy troops :D
  4. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    Just popping in for another frenzy-related question (since I've never actually played anything frenzied..)

    The rulebook states that you have to charge. You can take a Ld test. If this test is failed,
    "the frenzied unit must declare a charge against the nearest viable enemy"

    Does this mean they have to always charge the closest enemy? Because I could have sworn if you have multiple enemy units to charge; you can choose.


    The Hunted
  5. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    You can declare a charge on anything you want to declare a charge on. If you decide not to declare a charge, then you can opt to take a Ld test to move as normal. If you fail that Ld test then you have to charge the closest enemy.

    So, one way around the "probably going to fail Ld5" test is to always declare a charge against a suitable target if there are any targets within charge range. That way you don't have to bother with the Ld test, and you don't put the power of "what gets charged" in the hands of your enemy.

    The other choice, as Stonecutter said, is to just look the other way. They can't charge what they can't see!

    And one more choice, for turn 1, would be not to vanguard outside of your Generals Ld bubble. By turn 2 you should be setup for the charge you want to get off, so frenzy won't even be a problem by then (you could be 30" across the board by the beginning of your 2nd turn with an average 17" charge range ... you should be picking your target).
  6. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    So if they go berserk, they have to charge the closeset unit. Hm.

    I am aware of the 'tricks' to keep them in line. They work quite well. I didn't think of just charging a long long way so you fail, that could come in handy! Thanks for the answers, sir :)

    The Hunted

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