Alright everyone So this is a reaper mini + that temple guard character. Needed a neck sculpt which was hard... for an amateur converter like me Kinda wish i hadn't cut the tail off.... but sure I have stuck the horns on the head since these pictures were taken so i'll update this with painted pictures later (cooking lunch as i type this lol)
I am somewhat surprised that the Reptus hero and Chakax's parts worked so well together, are you planing on using Chakax'd horns ?
Thanks guys. Same, I liked the 'bigger' head as it looks rather menacing. In terms of fitting that was another matter lol... a lot of greenstuff as you can see from the photos. I have been painting him up today but only the golds so far. I though since the gold is going to be a huge part of the model I'll spend the time and do it right... been more than 4 hours Let me get some more pictures here
YOu can see the highlighting in this picture... Still a LOT more to do! then a new mix of paints for the final highlight
Minor update So that's all for today... maybe won't get another chance this whole week depending on how busy I am at work. enjoy!
Ooooh thats an amazingly brutal looking character! He sure does have a lot of gold on him. Can't wait to see it finished, awesome work so far!
I understand where you are coming from that it certainly isn't the Lizardmen style, but try to understand what I was trying to achieve here. From my point of view he is a 'lord' / 'special' character which therefor will have more exotic weaponry. I recently picked up the codex and some of the names in the book describing the weapons just made my imagination run away with me. Thanks The gold was a real pain... and not to mention I am a very slow painter so the layers and mixes of paint took some time. I'm raging at myself that I didnt undercoat any of the model 1st as now I have the dubious task of 'filling in the gaps' without making a mess of my 4 layer gold... fun stuff
Yeah I actually was wondering why I was still seeing bare metal. Its definitely much easier to spray the whole model before starting to paint. This may annoy you further, but I also find leaving the gold parts of a model to last is the easiest way. Reason being they are usually painted in a much neater manner than other areas which may require lots of wash or even drybrushing, and they are usually the highest raised areas so you now need to get the brush past them to reach the flesh and other areas. But everyone has their own style, which is why I didn't comment on it before.
He may not "fit" the lizardman style, but you truly made a fantastic looking model. I would agree that "brutal" is a very accurate word to describe him. If you get anything out of post, I think this model looks absolutely fantastic!
Great model! Such models always inspire me to continue painting my own lizardmen. The swords are awsome (I would love to have some )
That's totally understandable, and although 'everyone has their own style' this was horribly stupid of me The amount of work I know I have made for myself is rather irritating... All I can say is that I have learnt from my mistake. Thank you for your feedback! I'm glad that was i'm not the only one that think's it's brutal after strewart said it. Again thank you so much. I have been out of the hobby for about 3ish years now so it's the first time I have engaged the community so all your feedback is awesome positive or negative. I don't think I'll get a moment to paint till Sunday by the looks of my calendar