Hey all - I'm trying to build a cavalry themed army (led my Kroq-gar) and I need something as warmachine hunters. If you where playing me - would you have a problem with Cold One riders modeled to Scouts with Lots of Blowpipes etc, sorta like scouts in the woods.
Base size will be your main problem, you must have the correct base so you cannot use cavalry bases for them. Besides that.. I would find it a bit strange that cold ones were so fast, in fact could fly, but if they were suitably well converted I would have no problem facing it.
i think you would have to really go to town on them, i think you best bet would be to tottaly redo the mounts as a really jumpy type of raptor, mybe jumping on to and tur trees
What about using the Dark Elf cold ones, combined with Skink Riders ? That would give a rather slim deadly look not ?
You could try these guys 10 for 40$ or 1 for 6 Here's the link to the Reaper catalogue http://www.reapermini.com/FigureFinder#detail/06198
Also, since they are supposed to be terradons, you could try converting them to have small vestigial wings starting to sprout out of their arms. Make them look like the next evolutionary step from dinosaurs to birds (the dinosaurs of today!) Maybe have the wings look something like that? Not the rest of the model though, cause that is one ugly bird.
Cold ones wouldn't work at all for me, no matter what. But making them like Archaeopteryxs. They're bird dinos after all. http://images.livescience.com/images/Avian_Archaeopteryx_03_10.jpg
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_b1VmD9xlLxI/SSJhaQZzHQI/AAAAAAAAAMo/qryyVwRQ3DA/s1600-h/Terradons.JPG I used Bretonian Pegasus wings and Saurus with Skink riders
Ay I have seen them before, good to see the maker on our forum! They look very cool and I was considering doing something similar for my army since terradons are too expensive as they are.