Hello everyone! First post on here and trying to learn about units to make homemade movement trays. I'm looking at the BRB and seeing that the minimum rank size for cavalry is five models wide. I've also seen battle reports with Saurus cav going three wide. Could someone help me with this confusion? Thanks!
In the Lizardmen army book the Cold One Riders unit is listed as having a unit size of 5+. That means that if you wish to include a Cold One Riders unit in your army, that unit must consist of 5 models or more. However, like with all units in the game, you are free to rank them as wide or narrow as you want. That said, if you wish to claim having a rank or multiple ranks, your unit must be at least 5 wide (or at least 3 wide in the case of monstrous infantry/beasts/cavalry units types). This comes into play for determining steadfast, extra ranks for combat resolution, disruption, etc. As a result, outside of rare exceptions/roles, most units are fielded in a formation where their frontage meets this minimum. Also, keep in mind that only models in base-to-base contact with the enemy get to make their full compliment of attacks, and supporting ranks are capped at a single attack (except monstrous units which can make three supporting attacks). Additionally, mounts (including Cold Ones), can't make supporting attacks at all.
Not in fantasy/AoS. I've been playing Warmachine for the past eight years or so. Before that I played 40k for six years and am getting back into it now. Skorne, Memoth, and Tau.
Well, if another army ever catches your interest, we've got an excellent sub-forum featuring the other armies of WFB 8th edition. You're welcome to come join the fun!
Welcome to Jurassic Park!!! We are very glad to have another 8th Edition player join us! Join the brotherhood here.
Glad to be here. Just mainly looking to get some games locally, so I won't be on much. Glad to see there's a community here.
Surprisingly we don't discuss warmachine The last thread on it was more than 5 years ago... but to be fair, it's the same for basically all non-GW game systems, as even KoW subforum and 9th age contents are devoid of any meaningful activity.