7th Ed. saurus heroe with charm of the jaguar warrior

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by skink 222, Aug 19, 2009.

  1. skink 222
    Jungle Swarm

    skink 222 New Member

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    Could someone please explain to me how the combination of a scar vet great wep and charm of the jaguar warrior works.I ussually in 1000pt games take mine with cold one and pirhana blade.
  2. rickie_82

    rickie_82 New Member

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    Dont think you can take the jaguar warrior charm if you mount your charecter.The spell only works on models on foot.

    Things you can do with a flying chareter, can move him to the unit that needs him the most.
    Can charge warmachines, small archer groups, skirmishers, fast cavalry, flyers, chariots and other anoying things on turn 1.
    Can work as a character assasin, charge that block of a unit and kill the mage hiding in it for example.

    Basicly it gives you a strong hitter that can be where ever he needs to be.
    Havent used him myself yet, but that what I would use him for. Also a slann with lore of beast casting bears anger on him before he flyes away could be an intresting suprise to most things in game, a 28" charge with 7 strenght 7 attacks, could kill a lot of things ^^
  3. skink 222
    Jungle Swarm

    skink 222 New Member

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    thanks that clears things up a lot and i know you cant take it on foot
  4. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    To clarify, CotJW may only be taken by a model on foot. You may not give you mounted sarus character this item.

  5. Elmquasmash

    Elmquasmash New Member

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    the gret weapon CotJW is to gt the high stength attacks in as a sort of 'shock' character. Only problem is sending him in alone towards large units ;) if you dont have amazing luck and break them in the first turn he will get quite the whooping with the 'strike last' rule and just 2 wounds..

    which is why rickie suggested using him on war machines, single toons, small archer units and so on
  6. Malefus
    Jungle Swarm

    Malefus New Member

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    I have not tried the new version of the jaguar charm with it being a bound spell. I often play people who carry dispel scrolls for anything this useful. I liked the old version well enough and wish they hadn't changed it.

    My personal favorite was when my scar vet charged a unit of six tomb kings chariots and killed four of them.
  7. thesecondman
    Temple Guard

    thesecondman New Member

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    The guy is there to:
    Kill expensive elite knights and skirmishers.
    Kill solo characters in dumb positions, like mages.
    Pop chariots (s7 auto kills them).
    Add combat res to fights between your units and theres that are far away, cambat res that your opponent had not accounted/planned for.
    Killing war machine crews. (Although there are other units in your army that can do that also).

    The character is not very good in armies without a decent amount of magic, as the bound spell is easy to dispel and most experienced opponents will try to save the dispel dice if they can.
  8. Dumbledore

    Dumbledore New Member

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    I'd use a jag vet only if i had at least an EotG in 1-1.5k or a slann in 2k otherwise it's unlikely to get through. He's a great war machine/chariot/knight/hero hunter
  9. Sharp

    Sharp New Member

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    You guys arnt seeing how great this can really be or havint stated why its such a great item.

    It go's off in the magic phase meaning you can charge a normal unit at the start of your turn if it runs away say like fast cav you can then re charge in the magic phase.

    You can also do some niffty generalship by charging with a different unit then moving the Jagvet so you can redirect the flee path. Kill the target and hit into a new unit. You also use a unit like teradons or normal skins and move them behind the unti that has just fled and use the jagcharm to auto kill them in the magic phase.

    Doing this to a bret lance is awesome!
  10. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    I'm not going to waste my time quoting all the posts which list the advantages of this character build for the Scar Vet. I'm not sure what you mean by saying this or how your post differs from anyone else who's posted a list of advantages and uses.

    I also see a major counterpoint to the use of the character. Yes, the fact that the charge happens in the magic phase (because it is a bound spell) is a big advantage, provided your opponent doesn't have any dispell scrolls or dice remaining in the magic phase. That is why the character is so effective when you take a magic heavy list. If you don't take a magic heavy list, count on your opponent scrolling or dispelling the charge.

    I know that I would be saving a scroll for when this guy decided to charge.
  11. Sharp

    Sharp New Member

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    Mate no offense was ment but i was only trying to state how movement in the magic phase can be very useful. And thats a big part of how this item works not seeing anyone state that made me post what i did it also opens up a new set of tactics and when you add in the laws of shadows or beasts it becomes a very handy addition.

    Not having the magic phase to back up a Jagvet isint optimal and it becomes a very late game feature if you get to kill off a few mages.
  12. Barotok

    Barotok New Member

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    No offense taken at all. I would also agree that it's a very useful thing to keep your opponent guessing in the magic phase.

    I think that as it becomes later in the game, you start to loose the value of the charm though. The big advantage is to be able to strike early (in the first turn potentiall). If you wait until turn 5 or 6 it starts to come down to wether or not you could have taken a different strategy and killed that lone mage off in the corner by correctly manuevering your units. I'm not saying that it becomes uesless later in the game, but I will say that I wouldn't be as excited about getting the spell off in turn 6 as I would be about having a unit of skinks hunt down and kill that mage finally for half the points cost (being as the mage could have made his points up easily in 5+ turns of blasting at my troops.

    I think we're saying the same thing, for the most part. But there are definitely two different ways of looking at it.

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