8th Ed. Saurus Warriors Question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by ncharman, Sep 5, 2011.

  1. ncharman

    ncharman New Member

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    I am just getting back into playing Warhammer Fantasy, and I see that my Lizardmen went through a slight change with the new 8th Ed rules and also an updated army book. My question is centered around saurus warrios, in the new army book they are not listed as predatory fighters. They still have 2 Attacks on profile so am I to assume they just lost the reasoning behind giving them two attacks?

    Other question then goes with Spear Saurus, do the second rank of spear attacks get 2 attacks as well?

    I am basically wondering what the amount of attacks a normal Hw&s Saurus unit of 5X4 would get in comparison to a 5x4 unit of Spear Saurus?

    is it feasible or solid to attempt a 10x3 unit of spear saurus that could potential pump out a ton of attacks? or am i missing something in the rules?

    any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

  2. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Hey, welcome to Lustria Online!

    Yes the ruling for the bite got removed, they just have a standard 2 attacks now which was better in 7th ed but doesn't really make a difference now.

    Spear saurus only get one attack in the second rank, and one in the third.

    HW and Shield unit 5x4 get 15 attacks; 10 for the front rank, 5 for the second.
    With spears, 20 attacks; 10 for front rank, 5 for second, 5 for third.

    Thus 10x3 with spears is pointless, they would get the same attacks as 10x3 with HW&Shield (since extra rank fights with horde formation) but worse save. 10x4 with spears would dish out 50 attacks and be very deadly, if they could all fit in BTB with whatever you attack. It is also a huge amount of points.
  3. Battlehamster

    Battlehamster New Member

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    I would say if you are going spear saurii hordes, use at least 50 models. That way you can lose 10 saurus and still have maximum attacks (always plan on hitting last with saurus because of their crummy initiative). I am actually going to be utilizing a 2500 pt list that has two 40-Saurus Warrior hordes (with HW though for the added protection). Using a slann with the lore of light I should be racking up the kills pretty quickly (not to mention my Temple Guard of 20 models).

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