So here are some pics of my converted Scar-Veteran with a Great Weapon and the Bane Head item. I hope you guys like it! I also included pics on my WIP Chameleon Skink, which will be the example for my other Chameleons. And yes, the base needs some work So any tips, comments etc etc are very much appreciated! PS, the pics were taken with my cellphone and arent very good quality, will provide better ones when i got my cam back Thanks!
Thats a very bright and striking yellow on the scar vet. Great idea to incorporate the bane head item! I like the skin tone on the skink as well.
Yeah, I like the Chameleon Skink a lot! And the Saurus looks pretty decent as well! The only thing I would try changing is the red on the scales. They look like they have no depth. Try washing them with some Devlan Mud and then highlighting them to give them a less 'flat' look Keep up the good work! And p.s. your base looks a lot better than mine so don't worry
I used an arm and the head from anold Beastmen box my bro bought years ago. I used Greenstuff to make it look scaly. Same for the other arm (coming from the TG box). I cut off the head of a second weapon from the TG box, and glued em together. The Saurus head is from the cavalry sprue, I also used the body of a TG So basically its a kitbash
Is that really the colour of the Great Weapon or is it the bad quality picture? If it's the real colour then it looks awesome!
i think NMM is nice, but i do think you need to rethink your color selection. imo it does not look like gold. the mix of brown->yellow->bone needs better coherency to really look like gold. technically its good, but i think that by choosing the colors with more care you can get a very much better result. i have had some success with using vermin brown blended to vomit brown and with just a little bit of bleached added in at the edges. you could try it out on another model just to see what you think. keep up the good work