Looking for peoples' thoughts on this. If you're playing in a game large enough to include the slann, are there appropriate times to use the scar vet BSB instead of making the slann the BSB? I'm still just getting back into it (one game in the last 10 years) so I don't have an opinion on it myself, but I do have both models and was curious on what others thought.
One reason I can see to use a Scar Vet BSB is if you want a particular magic standard with a Saurus unit, or if you really want 2 magic standards in your army. The Temple Guard can take a magical standard, so you can have 1 with your TG/Slann unit, and another (the BSB) with a Saurus unit. You might also want a Scar Vet BSB if you plan to bunker your Slann to keep him out of battle. In that case, you probably want the Battle Standard closer to combat to make sure your fighting units are within its re-roll range. Personally, I don't find either of these reasons compelling, and I'd rather keep the Battle Standard with the Slann. There is a danger of auto-kill if the Slann/TG unit breaks, but the chances of that are very small. Overall, the Battle Standard is much safer with the big frog than in the hands of a Scar Vet that I want in the thick of the fight.
I agree with Tiger. I've given a Scar Vet the BSB when I've not taken a Slann and he does alright but usually what I end up doing is making him the BSB but then giving him magical protection to keep him alive which reduces the Banner's ability (no magic banner) and the SV's killing power because he has no magical weapons. If you Bunker your Slann in a unit of 16-20 TG and choose your battles they fight in you should have no problem keeping the Slann relatively close to the combat but still safe and sound.
One of the big advantages of using a SV BSB is you don't have quite so many points invested in the Slann, and you effectively have two leadership bubbles to extend across your troops. If I was going to take a SV I would definitely consider giving him the BSB, but I'm not sure I can justify the character at all. They are pretty decent but just never seem to fit into the list, especially after there are so many points in characters through the Slann itself and a priest support or possibly chief on steg.
I always take a scar-vet with the burning blade of choatec and whatever points left in some armor. He's really good at killing monsters. I have the GW BSB model, hes painted all pretty....but I never take him, the Slann just makes for a better choice in every list I make. I can see the benefit of taking the SV in a game where your slanns points are limited though. Perhaps I'll give it a try in a smaller point game.
Used a Scar-Vet BSB today, without a magical banner. He spent the entire game hiding in a unit of Saurus Warriors from the Treeman. But he kept the unit together - and the Treeman away from the Temple Guard, Carnosaur and Stegadon who destroyed everything else.
The main reason I would favour him is probably because the Slann would then be able to flee charges and not die immediately. So that gives him a good reason, and with the +1 LD banner, he could prove to be just as effective.
honestly... i wouldn't flee with the slann for a charge whatever the sitation. with a 4+ ward and life he has a fighting chance even on his own. i'd rather not lose my ~700 pt TG + Slann becausei roll snake eyes and the opponent box cars for the charge. fleeing is way to risky in this edition with an expenisve unit.
Thanks for the feedback. My first game so far, my opponent did everything he could to avoid the slann/temple guard unit. I didn't have anything too great about it, but his fear of the temple guard (even knowing he had a horde of ghouls with vampire) kept him clear of it. So after getting the model, I've been half thinking of running two units of saurus, one slann/temple guard (I had run 3 units plus the temple guard), and tooling up one of the saurus units - scar vet BSB with the war banner (+1 resolution) or discipline, full command, plus another scar vet with a weapon giving extra attacks. Am picturing a 5 wide that would put out up to 23 attacks (scar vet bsb 4, scar vet w/item 7, champion 3, front rank 4, supporting 5), plus anything extra from, say, the lore of life spell that causes 2d6 hits to the unit in front. With full command, ranks and the war banner, it'd have a 5 towards combat resolution before counting in any wounds. Then keep the temple guard group raised up and boosted toughness. Haven't looked at costs yet, and I know it'd be expensive, but tempting so far.
just out of curiosity, if you have a Slann with, lets say 26 TG around him, making a block of 6x5, what would make you guys choose to flee? I cant think of anythink, with some magic suport and some nice items a unit like this can probably fight through almost anything. Now more on topic: if I take a slann I always give him the bsb, it's only a few points and you can still give him a magic banner, putting a SV down will costs a lot more, you have a weak version of a SV and you will lose your banner more quickly. Although I do agree that having two bubbles of troop bosting can be usefull... if you plan your strategie this way
I run a lone Slann, so in some instances it might be beneficial to flee. I am not saying it will in every case, but having that option would be nice. On the flip side, even a lone Slann should not get charged by anything besides very mobile monsters, but even with a ton of trickery, I have still had it been charged by a Bloodthirster.
Also, if I'm not mistaken... with the TG/Slann being immune to psych, they can't choose to flee, can they?