I was contemplating running a list with no slann and no old-blood or carnosaur and just going for something simpler. Something along the lines of 2 skink priests and 2 scar-vets is what i was thinking. Has anyone ever run a list that has something like this?
There is definitely something to be said for going character light, it means you have plenty of points for extra units. You need to consider value for points though, what will help you more 400 points of saurus or a Slann? What did those lords bring to the table that you need to replace with other things? The Slann obviously lots of magic, well if you don't want heavy magic its ok and a couple priests easily make up for it. The Old Blood, a big fire magnet and insane combat ability, great power to take down big monsters. Think about that when you are replacing him with units. It can definitely make the game more fun though, and often characters don't really kill their points worth. The other problem is you must now deal with enemy lords without your own lord.
I'll have to agree with Strewart here. While it may be fun having to combat heroes chillin in your Saurus units, have you ever used a Carnosaur Lord before? Whenever I play with him I sit him on my extreme left or right flank. This always creates a huge problem for whoever I play and almost always their battle plan changes. And considering once you get this monster into combat on average you'll get 6 or 7 wounds total. (if you kit him out like I do) This will break any core unit or cavalry unit. I've had this Lord go toe-to-toe with 9 grail knights and break them and kill them, Eternal Guard, Chosen, Phoenix Guard nothing can take it except the Chosen with two hereos in the unit as well. Personally I enjoy my Carnosaur more than my Slann using him gamewise, I mean my Slann can level someones army, but so can the Carnosaur in much more cool ways!
I do love to put a Scar Vet with the Burning Blade or SOTSR in a unit of Cold One Riders. And dual Engines can be quite nasty, although without the Slann you can't do my favorite trick - spamming Magic Missile craziness! And like The Lybithian said, the Carnosaur Lord is a killing machine. I had mine take down a High Elf Dragon Prince with a lucky Blade of Realities hit the other day. All the same, it could be cool to have 4 heroes and no Lords. Whip up a list and we'll tell you what we think.
I don't like having 1 unit that can do anything. That's not the way I play, at all. 2 Scar-vets on cold ones and 2 skink priests for defence and the rest on troops. Love that! Using your skirmishers/chameleons/terradons/salamanders to determine the pace of the game, and let your block of saurus spears take the real fighting. Stegadon's are also very nice to have, you just have to make sure the BSB is babysitting him (my stegadon and BSB are BFF you see...). On the other hand, Letting the carny rip through anything he touches also has it's charms... Still, I like my playing-style. Balanced list, certain playing style...I (think I) can on a lot out there... The Hunted