8th Ed. SCARnosaur

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Mr Phat, Aug 12, 2013.

  1. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    So guys..had a few games (3) enjoying that I can now take a Carnosaur without feeling too ashamed.
    Yesterday I played against Demons where a Scar with spear, charmed shield, light armour and the carno took out a fullykited Great Unclean one (with the d3 weapon, it was a miracle) and ate his way through 3 plaguedrones before the carno finally died.

    I though that this more or less standard equipped CarnoRider did pretty good and would like to know
    how you guys kit him out?
    The item allowance has gone down 50% since its now a scarvet, so what would you use it for?


    how do you play him?
    only had a single game with mine before the new book so im not that experienced using this guy.
  2. Slanputin

    Slanputin Well-Known Member

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    I've had one 2500 game so far, and Carno hasn't survived too well: it's great for the additional psychological factor (both in-game and out) by influencing deployment and scaring off units. However it got flanked by some Sword Masters who minced it up pretty quickly.

    I gave the Scar-Vet a Great Weapon (Strength 7 hits from the rider and mount made it a pretty powerful unit) as well as Gambler's Armour and Luckstone (I didn't have enough points to make it uber). The scar-vet did pretty well, just a shame about those sword masters! Next time!
  3. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    arw, well...he is the flanker anyway :p
  4. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    I'm really looking forward to running a carnosaur; however, I think an oldblood is a better rider.

    I like the 18" ld range. He will be great on the flanks with the skinks, salamanders and 5 or 6 cold on riders.

    With the double flee tactic with skinks and salamanders, you need that extra ld to pass your rally tests the next turn. Skinks went down to ld 5 which is a significant drop and the mobile lord will be very helpful in counter acting that.

    Since the scarvet, old blood and saurus are all the same ld, I don't need a general with the saurus if I put a scarvet bsb with the standard of discipline in them.

    Secondly, hero points are important manage. I'm skipping a slaan and going for 2 lvl 2 skinks with beasts. 1 with dispel scroll, the other with cube of darkness. With a scarvet bsb added into the equation, it is just easier to make the carnosaur rider an oldblood.

    There is another list I've been thinking about. The double carnosaur list. What do you guys think of having a general on carnosaur and a bsb on carnosaur? That'd be super cool IMO, not very competitive but still cool to run for funnsies.
  5. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    I like the thought of two saurus leading my army riding two apex predators into battle :D
    ....sadly I dont like it gamewise -.-
    I hate that the two corner stones, general and bsb, wont be able to hide anywhere from enemy fire..they wont be able to claim cover because of "large target", and they wont get a "look out sir" from anything else than monsters...which still needs to be close.. and then its on a 4+ cause they are not in the unit -.-

    1 cannon on the field and you will have to find a barn to hide your big boys -.-

    .....god I wish we had solid answers to war machines!

    The mentioned demon player had a cannon ...oh...okay...so high armour save too? with a ward? ...oh well...so terradons and skinks wont work? ....bummer, guess your 200ish pts just forced me to hide away an ancient steg and my carno while you can still fire away.
  6. Old Mossy

    Old Mossy Active Member

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    Not much to add, other than I think the word Scarnosaur should be entered into the lexicon.
  7. Lizardmatt

    Lizardmatt New Member

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    FYI, Large Target just says you can't claim cover from Obstacles. You can still claim hard cover from any unit that blocks 50% or more of you model. Krox might work, Ripperdactyles might work too.

  8. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    The khorne cannon. 135/2 slaves worth of pts. Yea it is a beast. particularly dreadful for lizards to deal with. I played my demons vs lizards and my khorne cannon would not go down... 4 turns of skink blowpipes and a stand and shoot before he went down. Flaming cannonballs too. Just dirty. Anyway... You kinda have to make them pick targets. "Oh, I have 2 carnosaurs and a steg and a bastiladon... Whachu gonn' shoot bish? IDC I got tree otha' monstas. Back up." Hopefully your opponent picks the oldblood with charmed shield XD
  9. Mr Phat
    Skink Chief

    Mr Phat 9th Age Army Support

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    tell me, what exactly is it about a Charmed shield that saves the Carnosaur?
    The ward goes on the rider right?

    I never really understood the meaning of putting it on riders.
  10. vogard

    vogard New Member

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    In remarks to a multi carnosaur army.

    I fooled around with a list the other day consisting of general on carnosaur and two scar vets on carno saurs, 2 bastiladons and 2 ancients, filled out with a horde of sauraus and some skirmishers

    It was a rather fun list, with so many large targets he had a hard time dealing with all of them, only downside i had was no bsb, but since most of everything was cold blooded within the ld bubble so i felt comfortable.

    I was playing VC with blender lord on terrorghist, I admit I had a bit of luck rolling low against the scream, and in combat she failed two of her saves on the vamp swinging combat my way with the charge.
  11. Drmooreflava

    Drmooreflava New Member

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    All you need to do is put the bsb on one of your carnosaur scarvets. 18" range helps a lot when you have an army that can be so spread out like that.
  12. Blackthorne

    Blackthorne New Member

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    Can't put the bsb on a scarvet if you have them both on carnosaurs. Two scar vets on canrosaurs with I think light armour, shield, and spear each come to 1 pt under max heroes. So if they went completely naked, you could just barely fit in a bsb. I also played around with a three-carnosaur list with some bastiladons, trog, ancient steg etc. I don't think it would be great overall, but sure could be fun.

    As for the charmed shield. It does nothing vs the monster. But, it does help keep the rider alive which means you save the VP and at least you still have a hero level character running around.
  13. The Scottish Saurus

    The Scottish Saurus New Member

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    i LOVE carnosaurs

    havent ever used one... or played a game in over 4 years...... but im still very excited about them

    in the 3000pt list i made ive got a slann and oldblood on carno for lords and a scar vet on carno plus priests, an infantry BSB and a standard scar vet. in my 2000 list ive even got a scar vet with carno and slann as well

    i didnt have many monsters in the list with an ancient steg, a bastiladon and i had terradons in the original list but i thought id rather have 2 massive ass carnos than 6 puny terradons.

    i know its not the most competitive but i thought itd definetely be more fun
  14. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Done and done. I have put it into most of my revised Tacticas.

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