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Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Kai Itzah, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. Kai Itzah
    Jungle Swarm

    Kai Itzah New Member

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    Any of you guys good sculptors (model)? I'm at best an enthusiastic amateur when it comes to small conversions (although nothing has turned out awful yet) but I think that I may need an entire model sculpted from scratch. And that's something I can't do. So I seek assistance from a nice and detailed sculptor with reimbursement offered.

    Also, I seek alternatives for what I currently envisage I will need a fully sculpted model for, or at least, something that will limit the sculpting.

    I've been rattling my brains as to how to make the SC Tetto'eko exactly how I imagine him; I'm particular about these things, so please don't suggest I take the Skink Priest and put him on the throne off the EotG, I have looked at a number of different conversions. So far every conversion I've seen just makes him look like a regular Skink Priest, not a half-dead 1000 year-old seer that needs a palanquin to get around. What I'm imagining is a shrivelled creature, smaller than a normal skink, covered with bandages to the extent that on his head there is only a gap with one eye visible (which I'm thinking putting a tiny golden LED light there) and leaning completely motionless against the palanquin. The palanquin is no problem, it's just the skink itself, I'll probably use the EotG idea, though maybe I'll try and get hands on a Slann's palanquin. I'm not sure. It's mainly the skink. It will be a very small mini, but it will probably be very detailed.
  2. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    I am thinking of starting my conversion of him using the Slann for the Warmaster line. You can see it on Games-Workshops web site.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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  4. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Gotta agree, if you want an LED in there you'd better set that up first and then sculpt around it. Keep us posted.

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