AoS Seraphon Thunderbeast Host - Decision help

Discussion in 'Seraphon Discussion' started by FaBa, Mar 22, 2017.

  1. FaBa
    Jungle Swarm

    FaBa New Member

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    Hey guys :)

    I bought the Thunderbeast-Host last week and because i don't have any experience in playing seraphons i want to ask for help which type of units i should glue together.

    First of all ... i want to build up a skink army.

    With that in mind i want to build the Troglodon (and of course i get another unit for free ... i think it is the oldblood or veteran ?) instead of the Carnosaurus.

    For the flyers i wanted to go for the ripperdactyl till some one told me that the extra attacks generatet from them are limited from the "rule of one" in the Generals Handbook.
    So i don't know exaclty what to built here....
    Regarding which unit looks cooler i would go for the Terradons...
    Which are your experience ?

    Last but not least .... the Stegadons / Engine of Gods....
    First of all ... should i go for the Engine ?
    In my opionion it is more luck based and not so consistent as the Stegadon....
    So my plan was to build 2 Stegadons....
    But now the big question is which weapon i should go for... ???
    Or ... how do you play with these units?
    Do you run as fast as you can towards the enemey... then i would go for the thrower-type or do you play the Stegadon as a slow moving fortress which is able to kill models from the first turn... then i would go for the Crossbow....
    which is the common playstyle ?
    Is there any possibility for magnetising the weapons ?
    And last but not least.... does the Skink-Alpha replace those weapons or is he just an additional option ?

    Would be great if some of you would help me with my decisions :)

    Bowser and Ritual like this.
  2. Seraphage

    Seraphage Well-Known Member

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    Hello FaBa !

    1. You can make an oldblood on foot from the Carno Kit!

    2. Both of our flying units are really strong and dependable. They have somewhat different uses but none is weaker. Terradons need a little bit more experience to be handled, but my suggestion is make the models you ll enjoy the most !

    3. EotG is a special unit that as the more experienced players say can be really strong if properly played. Just needs a somewhat targeted list building on it. But since you CAN magnetize them anyway, just try both :D

    4. Both Stegadons are to be played close combat - don't hide these huge monsters behind rocks ! Flamethrower is better against hordes while the bow can be used in overall playing lists.
    Once again, just magnetize them and have fun with both depending on the situation !

    5. The Skink Alpha is a point cost FREE EXTRA option which you ll always get !

    Hope that helps a bit,
    Killer Angel, Bowser and Crowsfoot like this.
  3. Crowsfoot

    Crowsfoot Guardian of Paints Staff Member

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    Trog is good and even better when used as a vassal for your Slann, Carny is better in combat.
    Rippers are still good and easier to play than Terradons, your enemy will fear Rippers!
    Stegadon, Bow for range, Throwers if you face horde armies, skaven etc, I would always go Bow.
    Engine of the gods is good and used for support you wouldn't really charge into the enemy with it but you can if you want.

    Playstyle with Stegadon with bow, Target a monster/hero and inflict wounds with the bow, buff Stegadon with Mystic shield and Starlight (you need a priest and starpriest to do this) then charge and watch your enemy melt as they fail to do anything against the beast (apart from mortal wounds!)
    Killer Angel and Bowser like this.
  4. Ritual

    Ritual Well-Known Member

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    Depending on how confident you feel I would absolutely recommend looking into magnetising anything you can for future mixing it up.

    I got a stack of tiny magnets on Amazon for under a fiver and have been using them sparingly so far but considering upping my magnet game for bigger units.
    Bowser likes this.
  5. Bowser

    Bowser Third Spawning

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    Your list would definitely benefit from a slann. The engine and trog both work better with a slann. For flyers if you're a bit more experienced with movement go for the terradons, if not go with the rippers, still good for assassinations with the rule of one. Skink Alpha is an additional free option so always take it. I prefer the bows for range, but magnetized works. Fire throwers are used for hordes. Build up your skinks for sure. Probably the best battleline option.
    If you're looking to expand I say get the Start Collecting kit, and build the Carnosaur, make a knight into a scar-vet on cold one and use the oracle as a starpriest. And a bastiladon. There are some easy conversions skinks to chameleon skinks on here, so when building up your skinks get 2 units of chameleons. Whether you buy ir modify is up to you.
    Ritual likes this.
  6. Killer Angel

    Killer Angel Prophet of the Stars Staff Member

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    EotG and Trog are both support units, while our other dinos are more heavy hitters.
    EotG was used to be amazing, but it has been nerfed with the limitations on summoning, and anyway you need only one (EotG or Trog) for the thunderquake starhost.
    Seraphage, Ritual and Bowser like this.

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