8th Ed. Should Becalming Cognition be banned?

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Cobra7, Mar 1, 2011.

  1. Cobra7

    Cobra7 Member

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    So there are two major tounaments in my area for WHFB. In both, the banned items are Power scroll, Book of Hoeth, Cupped Hands and Becalming Cognition.

    I have done a lot of looking (but still at it) and have not found any tounaments that ban Becalming Cognition but not tons of other stuff as well.

    Have any of you came across this? Do you think it's fair? Thoughts in general?

    Edit: Source: http://gt.bugeatergames.com/Bugeater_FantasyMissions.pdf
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    I don't think its fair at all. Becalming has a range on it, that in and of itself limits it's power. I have played several games where I never got my slann close enough to another lvl 4 caster to use it.

    As for cupped hands, that isn't fair either (IMHO). A one time use item that costs that amount and can fail (and does fail repeatedly for me). I would chaulk that up to people whinning about it being over powered. Sure it sucks (for them if I roll 2+), I have never had it kill a caster outright.
  3. Tubbe

    Tubbe New Member

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    In Denmark we don't ban them, but we limit the total generatebale powerdice and dispell number (Not counting chanelling) per magic phase, to two. And certain army individual items "Count as" adding to this number. Most tournaments has Becalming counting as two DD (Taking this unables you to bring a scroll, or use the diadem) - And Cupped hands counting as two PD (Taking this unables you to take rumination.. or, you can take it, but you can't use both the same magic phase).

    To me this seems pretty fair, Banning Cupped hands might even be ok, but banning cogitation is a bit harsh, since it isn't really a gamebreaker like cupped hands can be. - Banning items should be done to prevent players making either supercheese, or winning against skilled players on pure luck - Cogitation doesn't fit in any of these categories imo.

    To summ up; The only item we ban are Powerscroll and Book of Hoeth, all armies then have the Comp to worry about when choosing army individual items - seems to work fine and balancing.
  4. Xlcontiqu

    Xlcontiqu New Member

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    Becalming Cognition is an odd one to ban, as I feel like there are a couple other disciplines that might be more dangerous than that. Cupped Hands I can understand to a point, but I feel like Cognition is really unnecessary. I never use it, and if I did, it would be rather low on my list of choices, with both Focused Rumination and a Focus of Mystery being chosen before it. So I really do not understand why they are choosing to ban that one.
  5. lord karnik

    lord karnik New Member

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    i could not disagree more with all of this. The game is made a certain way so play but the set rules, I hate house rules and banning somthing.

    sorry just my thoughts
  6. HoverBoy

    HoverBoy New Member

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    Yet house rules are needed in may cases where GW has neglected to give proper rulings, all you really need to do is not cater them to whiners.
  7. Juhaaha

    Juhaaha Member

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    I understand why power scroll, Book and Cupped hands are banned, but cant see whats wrong with cogitation? Ok, it's good but it doesnt win games

    Havent read the tournament rulepack yet, but if Cogitation is banned, I think puppet, speculum, Stank etc. etc should also be banned.

    edit: lol, I dont get it. Ban some magic items but let deathstars roam free.

    I suggest you take VC , WoC or DC and run big blocks of ghouls, marauders whatever. Or dont go there
  8. walach

    walach New Member

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    agreed, i totally do not understand this banning.... at the very very least if you're banning those, ban the stupid pendant of kaleth for DE, surely!

    i've played 2 tournaments in 8th, with both cupped hands and becalming cogitation. cupped hands i think i've used twice, neither time did it have a massive effect, becalming is more difficult to judge. i would hardly call it game-breaking though. at the very least, you cant miscast if it's in play! :p

    looking at it from another way, would not being able to take either of those stop me going? no way! tbh if i was going to drop anything from my slann build, they would be the first to go anyway.
  9. Cobra7

    Cobra7 Member

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    First off, thanks everyone for their input. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't alone in this.

    Yeah, I'm not bringing this up because I plan to take it, I just don't like to be unfairly restricted. I don't take cupped hands either, but as I've seen it banned other places I'll make a minor case for it and see what happens.

    The one time I did take it was vs a DE and he loved it. He could throw as many dice at a spell as he wanted and not worry about blowing up his own troops.

    Honestly I think the fear of what this can do is worse than what it does.

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