8th Ed. Skaven vs. Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by thetommycooker, May 18, 2014.

  1. thetommycooker

    thetommycooker New Member

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    Hi guys,
    I have just started to collect Lizardmen, and my friend who plays Skaven always beats me. I was just wondering if there were any tactics you can use to beat Skaven.
    Also, it's a 1000pts battle, so no slann. :(

    He fields:
    grey seer
    chieftain with halberd shield and magic item
    warlock engineer with magic item
    war machines
    95 clanrats command = 1002 pts.

    I have:
    The lizardmen battalion set and tetto'eko or Gor Rok. I can use either.

    So I was wondering if there was a way of beating him, cos before I get into combat, he either:
    A) turns my people into rats with the dreaded 13th.
    B) uses his warp lightning cannon to obliterate me.

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  2. D43m0nSp4wn

    D43m0nSp4wn New Member

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    Unfortunately you are going to struggle in that situation. The battalion is a decent starting point but it isn't really optimal in any sense, whereas your opponent seems to have put some thought into his list. Bottom line really is that you are going to need to be able to bring some other things to the table in order to win.

    Specifically though to address your points:

    1 - If he is using a level 4 then you really need to take tetto as you need some sort of magic on your side of the table.
    2 - If his warmachines are causing you difficulties you could field your skinks as camo skinks (i'm sure your friend would let you count them as them) and use them to threaten the war machines.

    To be fair neither of those suggestions are optimal but it plays with what you have.
  3. thetommycooker

    thetommycooker New Member

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    Thanks. What units would you suggest I field against him?
  4. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Uh.. Right so he only have one unit and that's it. To top it off he'll eat your face with dreaded 13? How uninspiring.

    At 1000pts we're sort of limited.

    Since you know what you'll be facing you can tailor the list, especially when he does stuff like that, so I'd probably do something like the following:

    Oldblood, halbard cold one, dragon helm, dawnstone and crown of command.
    - S6 will chop up all kind of rats, he has a rerollable 1+ armour save and even his chieftain will only modify it to a 3+. To further demonstrate how superior your OB will be we can look at math:
    He'll swing first with 3 attacks, half will be gone in the To Hit phase, half in the To Wound phase and you'll proceed to save on 3+ (which can be rerolled). Unless my math is wrong he has 25% to score just one wound. On the other hand you'll swing with 5 attacks, hitting on 3+, wounding on 2+ and no armour save (he can't use shield with halbard in close combat btw). That'll be 3,21 wounds and the model only have 2.

    That's his biggest "threat". He can't use the dreaded on cavalry since it only works on infantry. With enough Cold On Riders you won't be hit by the Warp Lightning Cannon due to Look Out Sir and with Crown of Command you'll (hopefully) regardless of his ranks, banners and what not.

    You Oldblood will only ever be in contact with a maximum of 3 models in front so even in horde formation we're looking at 9 attacks. 9 sh1tty attacks that'll do jacksh1t to you. We're talking: 9 attacks that'll hit on 4, wound on 6 and do nothing to modify your armour. There's something like 1% chance that they'll even score a single wound on you.

    So once you've eaten his grey seer (do this first) and taken out his puny chieftain he can't do magic and he can't wound your character so there's a decent chance that he'll eventually fail his stubborn Ld8 break test (Ld5 + 3 Ranks unless I'm mistakening). Should you get iceshard blizzard off it's only a 7.

    So the rest of your army?

    1 skink priest (lvl 1 w/ scroll). Get heavens and iceshard blizzard. Dispel scroll off first attempt of dreaded 13th.

    With core I'd probably take 24 saurus w/ spear. These alone would eat his clan rats - 25 attacks counting a champion (+2 from PF) - 13-14 attacks that'll go through To Hit and 8-9 attacks that'll wound. With 30 attacks you'll only lose 2½ model.

    In special you can take 7 Cold One Riders and a musican. No spears, banner and champ isn't needed.

    You can also take two units of 5 cameleon skinks (proxy some of the regular ones).

    That's a pretty pretty hard counter the way I see it. All of this within the boundaries of what you have (proxy some templeguards as regular saurus).

    So the battle plan?

    You put everything you have as far up as possible on the deployment zone. The skink priest goes with your saurus warriors for Look Out Sir. Oldblood with your 7 CORs.

    Your scouts deployed as close to his cannon(s) as possible (I don't see anything stopping your scouts) - in your movement phase move them up all the way so you're well within close range. Statistically speaking your scouts should kill (poison) 3.2 models so at least one will quickly be dead.

    You move your bus 14" up the board. The saurus will keep up as good as they can.

    In your round of magic you'll try and iceshard blizzard any potential second cannon you cannot kill.

    In the second turn of the game your bus will issue a charge against his clan rats and you should *hopefully* connect. There is probably around 50% chance that you'll actually make a succesful charge.

    Your scouts move to the next cannon (if there is one).

    Game won.

    Assuming no CORs have died up until you get your charge and that his (horde I assume) can all attack he'll swing with 30 attacks, hitting on 4s, wounding on 5s and no modifiers to your armour so you'll save on 2+. You'll lose around 0-1 model. Your riders will proceed to do around 9 wounds (counting PF and mounts), not counting your character.

    Should your bus manage to make a succesful charge, regardless of the amount of CORs you have left, you'll crush him. He'll have a static 4 CR (3 ranks + 1 banner), not counting a BSB. So he *might* make 1-2 wounds at maximum so with BSB he can get up to 7 CR. If he's lucky. Just chop off the head of any potential BSB first thing and it'll be a none issue. You might consider bringing a champion should he be cunning enough to challenge your OB. You don't want to lose all his attacks just killing a single clan rat.

    The way I see it your saurus warriors are just there to distract him. Should they manage to move up the board and get a flank you'll crush him.

    Now, when I say his army is uninspiring it's because it's just so simple and it relies on an even more simple strategy. Sit back, blow stuff up and win through a countless numbers of models and thus always be steadfast with superior amount of attacks. It's just lame tbh.

    If I were him I'd probably have taken something like 35 storm vermins w/ razorbanner, a decently sized slaves, the grey seer, a chieftain, cannon and squeeze in a hell pit abomination. That's much more scary since he can still shoot, make dreaded 13th, but more because the hell pit abomination is ridiculous and the storm vermins will hitting on 3+, wounding on 4+ and modify your armour with 2 (due to armour piercing). A unit like that would kill as many saurus as they lose, but they'd have more bodies.

    Anyway that's just me.

    I hope my huge as's post made sense. Now go smack him silly :smug:
  5. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Tetto's is just as good in defensive terms as a regular lvl 2. In fact a regular lvl 2 will be better due to actually being able to take a scroll.

    I also diagree with your last point. Taking cameleon skinks will be quite effective. They can reliabely kill one cannon each shooting phase and he hardly have anything to chase them down with. The only real threat is Scorch. Even then putting 2 units of 5 cameleon skinks will at the very least mean that he can't chase off both unit like that.
  6. thetommycooker

    thetommycooker New Member

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    Thank you. Extremely helpful.
  7. D43m0nSp4wn

    D43m0nSp4wn New Member

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    I agree with you mate, to be clear I meant that there were better alternatives to both those options rather than they wouldn't work.

    I would prefer rippers or terradons for warmachine duties.

    And as you pointed out the scroll issue is my main concern with only having tetto as a magic user, I never leave home without a scroll just for that moment you really really need it.
  8. Pinktaco

    Pinktaco Vessel of the Old Ones Staff Member

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    Alrighty, well to different perspectives I suppose. But that's great so at least this way the OP can learn about his alternatives. Personally I prefer cameleon skinks, but preferably you'd take some of each to be perfectly covered. In this case it's not an option due to the very limited amount of spare points he have.

  9. D43m0nSp4wn

    D43m0nSp4wn New Member

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    I've never had much joy with camo skinks, but that is probably my failing rather than theirs, although my terradons and rippers are consistent achievers.

    like you say I guess it is just down to personal play style as to what works best.

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