8th Ed. Skink blowpipes

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Silverbolt, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    So I had my first 100 point battle yesterday and had a few questions about the blowpipes on my skink Skirmishers. The GW employee helped me through the game, but it didn't sound right.

    1) is there a penalty to use the multiple shot feature? I was told no, because it is a hand weapon...

    2) is there a penalty for long range? I was told no, because it is a hand weapon...

    3) is there a penalty for shooting at 2 cavalry models about halfway in a forest terrain?

  2. Stonecutter

    Stonecutter Member

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    The rules for blowpipes are detailed on page 30 of the AB and include the following:

    "Multiple Shots (2), Poisoned Attacks"

    Range 12"

    Accordingly, blowpipes suffer both the range penalty from 6-12" and another -1 for multiple shot as well as a penalty for moving and shooting. Effectively, this means regular skirmish skinks hit on 7s or worse at long range when they move and thus if one desires to have poison then only single shots can be taken.

    The rules are being confused the Lustrian Javelin rules on the same page. LJs have the Quick to Fire rule which allows them to move and shoot without penalty.

    Lastly, if the majority of the target, regardless of its type, is in cover, than it gets the bonus for cover as laid out on page 41 of the BRB. Woods usually grant soft cover or -1 to hit.
  3. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    Also remember that "Hand Weapons" are only for close combat. So if you use the GW employee interpretation, Skinks would only be able to use them if they were engaged with a unit (which would be sweet). 2x poisoned attacks per Skink? Yes please. But no, he was wrong.

    Skinks have BOTH Hand Weapons AND Blowpipes.

    Similarly, they can swap for Jav & Shield so they have BOTH Hand Weapons AND Lustrian Javelins & Shields.

    Javelins and Blowpipes are Ranged Weapons.
  4. Silverbolt
    Temple Guard

    Silverbolt Active Member

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    Ok, so I was going to interpret it correctly. The other player, also a newbie, wanted to ask the GW employee. I went along with it cause the escalation league has a strict no arguing policy. I will bring this up with him before the next league meeting. Thanks guys!

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