feel free to shoot me down here with resounding nos, but.... is using a skink as army battle standard bearer an outrageously ridiculous idea? i am unfamiliar with the game but am looking to get started playing so dont want to do it if its stupid.. i would really like to convert the tehenhauin model to be holding up the army standard though!
Well, skinks are ridiculously easy to kill. Which is why i wouldn't even have a saurus BSB unless I don't field a slann. Slann's (at the moment) come standard with a 4+ ward save. If you want to convert the model, you might want to make a custom slann palequin and have him as a "slave skink" holding the banner up for him, over his head?
A Skink BSB is not a competitive choice. It is not outrageously ridiculous, but it will be a liability in a tournament setting. If you want to run a Skink army, it's thematically appropriate. A Skink BSB on an Stegadon would have an 18 inch Stand Your Ground Range and be somewhat tougher to kill. Some people have used that before with mixed results. Do you gravitate towards army choices that are fun or army choices that win? How competitive are your opponents? You don't have to field every model you paint frequently.