7th Ed. skink chief on terradon bsb

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by camo-skink, Oct 8, 2009.

  1. camo-skink
    Chameleon Skink

    camo-skink New Member

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    so, my friend at school today suggested that i convert a terradon rider into a skink chief bsb, he also said it might help with my low leadership skink army. look wise i thought it would be a great idea, but i wasn't so sure tactically how it would fair. any thoughs, comments?

  2. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    Hmmm... a flying BSB... very interesting... I think you should try it! :walkingdead:
  3. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    It can be quite a risky move and sometimes hard to pull off, it will often not get its points back and die cheaply, but it can also be very good.

    Pretty much a flying guy you want to be running off on his own hunting things, or with a unit of terradons. This gives him a greater chance to win combat, but it still leaves the rest of your army without his leadership support in the early turns. On the plus side, he can fly so when the battle heats up you can redeploy him almost anywhere to provide leadership exactly where it is needed. If he has a weapon he also has the potential (be careful though) to rear charge enemy units that are already locked in combat and provide extra static combat res as well as a kill or two.

    On the downside, he now becomes a very juicy target to shooting and will attract a lot of it early while he is dancing around, so you will have to use him very very carefully.

    If I were you, and I haven't seen your list so I could be wrong, I'd just keep him as is and put a BSB in one of your units. A BSB on a steg can be quite deadly as well if you want something a bit different.

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