Curious.. I've seen it stated that the chief on a terradon joining a unit will have them lose their fast cavalry rules. I'm not certain why this is. Based on the errata, the fast cavalry rule is specific to the terradon, not to the rider - so by mounting on it, he'll have all the same rules as a rider unit would. What am I missing?
Nothing, I an pretty sure they just like they did before. The Terradons definitely have all of the rules and not the riders.
That could be my fault. I had read that when a character takes a mount and joins fast cav, that the unit loses fast cav unless the character has the rule. Since in this case, it comes from the Terradon, I guess our rule book overrides it. I am actually relieved, I love running a skink chief with my Terradons.
I normally run one with the Staff of the Lost Sun and the Bane Head for sniping out lone characters, but I'm thinking of trying one with the Terrifying Mask of EEE!, maybe with Glittering Scale armour (-1 to hit). A flying unit causing terror for less than 150 pts? Flank/rear charges on those pesky night goblins and watch them flee...
Definitely!! That item was made for the skinks, with the funny name and all... Great to chase those cannons/mortars off the table! Phil
Hey, this might make a great synergy with the Doom & Darkness spell. Only trouble is, if they pass their terror check and hold, you're tied up in combat, and the terradons might have a hard time of it. It won't work on war machines, though. Now, if they fail the test they will hide under the machine instead of fleeing, and you'll still have to kill them in hand to hand. It's kind of weird how they've done now; the crew are basically just wound counters for the war machine.
Hum, kinda wierd... If forced to flee before a charge, the warmachine is dead (warmachine, movement phase, p.110). A terror-causing unit charge causes a panic that, if failed, will force the charged unit to flee (Run for your lives! p.78). But, warmachines are "immune" to panic so won't get bad effects from getting charged by terror-causing units... (warmachines and panic, p.110). Phil
War machines are not immune to panic, but rather hide under their machine for a turn and can't shoot. Also failing terror is separate from failing panic. Different rules for each one.
The rules for Terror (page 78) specifically say that you take a Panic check when charged by a terror causing enemy, so it's no different than any other kind of panic. Since war machine crews don't flee from failed panic tests, they aren't fleeing from terror, either. If the crew breaks from combat, though, the machine is removed entirely.
No worries, we're all still learning the new rules and it's tough to un-learn stuff from earlier editions. If it wasn't for this forum, I'd still be trying to give the EotG it's own magic lore to cast for Arcane Configuration- oh, the problems that led to...
terror only effects a unit when its is charged by terror causing monster. also note that anything with random movement does not cause terror to the unit (ie hellpit) . one more thing everyone needs to be aware if not already you cannot make a charge reaction against a unit with random movement.