Hi all! I am looking at trying to get a skin chief to use with all my skinks with boltspitters. Just wondering if they are still in production since I can't find them anywhere for purchase on the GW site. Thanks!
you also can make your own skink chief/ skink priest from the bits found in the carnosaur or stegadon boxes.
I made one that way, see here: http://lustria-online.com/threads/aginors-painting-blog.19114/#post-181113
Nah, the chief was one of the discontinued models, along with all the compendium models. Edit: Even though the "official" model isn't made anymore, you can still use a counts-as model if its close enough. My personal pick is the Skink Alpha from the Stegadon kit.
The stegadon kits include a chief, and the model actually looks pretty decent. It's used for the regular (non-EOTG) stegadon variant. So...if you buy the kit to make an Engine of the Gods, you'll have yourself a spare chief. Edit: just to clarify, though the warscroll for the Stegadon in Age of Sigmar calls the model a Skink Alpha, it was actually a Skink Chief in 8th edition because stegadons were a mount option for them. So this is basically the only actual Skink Chief in production as far as I know--unless we count the leaders from the terradon/ripperdactyl kits, which are also chiefs.