A couple of weeks ago, when the age of sigmar app was updated. I noticed the skink chief and prophet was back under seraphon warscrolls, and now have celestial, daemon and seraphon keywords, as well as chief having his command ability back. So I am wondering if GW is gonna bring theese models back and wheter anyone have seen point values for theese. Also jungle swarm is back, nok wuith the name celestial swarm.
I believe the points prior to GHBv2017 were: Jungle/Celestial Swarms 120 Skink Chief 60 Skink Prophet Oxyotl 100 Tehenhauin 80 I see all the following warscrolls in the AoS App Australia as you say, now with SERAPHON, CELESTIAL, DAEMON keywords (except celestial swarms ofc).
They have been like that for me all the time. They never were replaced with the new warscrolls. So unfortunately no, those are outdated warscrolls that are in the app by accident and the Skink heroes are not coming back. The most recent warscrolls can be found on the GW page.