Just wondering where you guys normally stick your skink shaman when he is on foot? I've debated putting him in with some skink skirmishers just so he doesn't get singled out... does that even matter? I'm still a little rusty on the rules in 8th edition. Does anybody have suggestions for running a skink priest on foot and where to place him? Thanks. Iggy
Yea that would make him a bit harder to shoot at and give him a "look out sir" roll. but running him by himself does make him a bit easier to hide...
I always try to put my skink preists in a unit of cohorts (or skirmishers). At least until I can get him into a building (or something). Another option would be to put him beside a unit of skinks. That would make the LOS a 4+ instead of the 2+ (inside the unit).
Mine has a flying cloak and naturally buzzes around and scares the hell out of not-so-shooty enemies.
i place mine in my skrox unit (28 skinks, 3 krox). Gets his look out sir and if i want to throw a load of dice at a spell he simply jumps out the unit 3 inches in case of miscast and lets rip.
Untill you face O&G who have magic that doesnt need range vision or in forward arc. Put my skink outside the unit for 1 turn and got him killed pretty quickly. Now I keep carefull track on the spells my oponent gets.
You don't HAVE to use the flying cloak but for all other 14 races there are you can fly about. The fact you say it doesnt work so well with 1 race just highlights what a fantastic item it would be if it only has 1/15 drawback
Didnt say it was a poor item. Just stated that it is not allways safe simply because your behind a house or in the flank of an opponent. Skirmishing shooters and magic like the O&G have will be dangerous for your flying skink of doom.
Its a bit like chess in that you must always know what each piece is capable of and where they might attack from. You should always be aware of what your opponent has in their army so you know when and where your characters are safe. Likewise, you should know what spells they have and during the magic phase, how many dice they have so you can decide whether something is worth trying to dispel or not.