Hi guys! I'm relatively new to WHFB and I have a question: how do you set up your skink skirmishers and how do you arm them? What do you prefer? Running them in groups of 10 or do you prefer larger groups, do you go for blowpipes or do you pay the extra points for javelins and shields?
When I take cohorts, I will ramp up the numbers. I will usually take about 25 at least with one Kroxigor to beef out the unit. When I take skirmishers, I will usually take the javelin/shield combo because it works better with my play style. Skirmish units I will keep at about 12 per unit. When deploying skirmish units, I tend to put them in front of slower saurus or temple guard units.
I tend to use them as mobile bunkers for my Skink Priests and for little else. Other people have good luck using them as redirectors but I haven't mastered that art yet.
Always take units of 10 with blowpipes. The potential 20 shots is much better than 6+/6+ save. There are a lot of descriptions of redirection around. Deploy them in space and try to get them within 12" of an enemy unit while not in charge arc while they aren't on dying duty.
Javelins give you more manoeuvrability as you can move and fire without penalties i find that often with blowpipes 50% of the time i end up opting for one shot in order to maintain poisoned personally i find if i want blowpipes i take chameleons if i want normal skinks is jav shield every time
In almost all cases all the skinks are looking for are for poisons which blowpipe are equal or better at in every case (except standing and shooting at ridiculously short ranges) and they cost fewer points/
Ahh, the great javelin/blowpipe debate continues... I recall posting the mathhammer for the damage output of javelins/blowpipes at one point. A bit off topic, but back in 6th edition we could freely swap between javelins and blowpipes. And we could scout! Oh the good ol' days. I prefer: Skirmishers in groups of 10 with Javelins. No Brave unless there is a special reason to have one. Blowpipes on armies under 1k or if I am tight on points. (like if I really need an extra handler or another Saurus)
Thanks for your advice! If you have time and if you feel like helping out a newcomer, please have a look at my new armylist post . http://www.lustria-online.com/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=10539
Dont believe it is "every case (except standing and shooting" that blowpipes are better Here are a couple of examples of where it is beneficial to go Javs: 1. You are more than 18 inches away from the target unit at the start of the turn (likely turn 1 and maybe 2) Blowpipes: Move (-1) Long Range (-1) Single Tap = 10 shots hitting on sixes Javelins: Long Range (-1) = 10 shots hitting on 5's (although we are wanting 6's for poison) 2. The target unit is a skirmishering unit Blowpipes: Move (-1) Skirmishers (-1) Short Range Single Tap = 10 shots hitting on sixes Javelings: Skirmishers (-1) = 10 shots hitting on fives 3. The target unit is in soft cover Blowpipes: Move (-1) Cover (-1) single tap = 10 shots hitting on sixes Javelins: Cover (-1) = 10 shots hitting on fives 4. The target is in hard cover Blowpipes: Move (-1) Hard Cover (-2) singe tap = 10 shots hitting on sevens (no poison) Javelins: Hard Cover (-2) = 10 shots hitting on sixes along with the aforementioned stand and shoot bonus, the 6+ gives you a greater chance of surviving strength 3 shooting and the 6+/6+ gives you a better chance of winning a combat (my skinks have fought off wolves/harpies/other small chaff units before) although saying that, I often take one blowpipe, one jav and one chamos, and use them accordingly depending on the context
Im a javelin boy too. i started out with blowpipes, then went one unit of each, and now im only using javelins. they both have their uses, but blowpipes fit my play style much better than javelins do. That being said, they are both awesome units. there is no wrong choice here. there are two right choices
All Javelins for me too. I tend to use my Skinks to control the flow of the game, as well as taking out enemy monsters. Because of that, they're always on the move. They usually remain more than 6" away from the enemy ("Long Range"), unless it's their turn to get charged and die...in which case I want them to stand and shoot. In both cases, javelins are better, because I can hit on 5's (when harassing/monster hunting), and can still stand and shoot even when I park my Skinks right in front of an enemy unit to redirect them. My Skinks are so often at -2 to hit, it's just very rare that I get to use the double shots. Chameleons are a different story. I usually place them 12" from the enemy lines, positioned to assassinate a high-value target. They march up to within 6", have a -2 for moving and shooting double shots, and still get plenty of poisoned shots. Then they flee or get killed, but have done their job. I need my Skink Skirmishers to do more than one round of shooting.
I am running 5 units of 10 with blowpipes along with 2 units of 10 chameleons to great success. My opponents don't usually know what to do with 7 units of skinks.
I'm a Javelin man for all the reasons discussed earlier, they provide more flexibility and make it easier to use your skinks to control the flow of battle. The other major issue for me is that all of the local comp restricts armies to 90 shots per turn (excepting 12" or less from ranked units.) This means that blowpipe skinks would blow my shot cap.
Blowpipes have their uses, but the low BS of the regular skinks makes them limited and you won't often get the 2x tap unless you have great positioning. Camos get the best use of them. Quick to Fire and a 6+/6+ save is totally worth 1 point.