Right I'm wondering what sort of unit sizes people take of skirmishers as I normally just spam a bunch of 10 lizard ranks to mob most of my opponents army all at the same time. What does everyone else take?
I don't like taking more than 10, purely because I can see myself having to go to 5 wide or less to maneuver and that would just result in me loosing too many shots.
I have ran a unit of 14 in two lines of 7. It worked fairly good for that game. Of course, I did not have to make any tight maneuvers either. I tend to use cohorts more now.
I usually play 12 in 2 1/2 ranks, makes them a little more vulnerable to shooting but lets you tie up lone wizards in combat for hours because of the rank bonus!
10, maybe 12, I wouldn't go more than that. If you want a lot oyu might as well take two small units rather than 1 big, makes more targets for the opponent to aim for and more flexibility.
Does anybody use larger skinks groups effectively? I mean small units are usually taken but does somebody use them for something else other than harass and redirect? Perhaps in combination with a skink hero or magic spell(s).
They are very very squishy... If you make the group large enough to be charged they will die to pretty much anything, however if you run then you have the chance of not rallying and looking more points. The only time you would take 1 big unit of 2 smaller ones is if you wanted to actually try and win combat in which case your better off taking saurus or something designed for the job that we have plenty of
I usually take 2 x 10. Keep their formation loose - spread out! 20 poison attacks is annoying for just about any enemy unit.