8th Ed. Skink v Sarus

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Tactics' started by graysarus, Jun 26, 2012.

  1. graysarus
    Jungle Swarm

    graysarus New Member

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    I 'm not new to Warhammer, but I am too lizardmen

    The guys I play with play on Saturday and I want to field my new lizardmen army, but I need about 100 more core points...
    I have 2x20 sarus. 1x20 skinks.
    With 1x20 temple guard, 1x16 Calvary, slann, stegadon EotG w/ preist and salamander hunting pack.

    Basically I am just looking for unit/army suggestions/opinions. I know that to be competitive I need at least one more stegadon or salamander. And I will when I have more $$$. I haven't decided on magic standards or special items yet.

    I did play only skaven, so to me the cheep plentiful unit would seem good, and also provide me more fire power, however would the harder hitting sarus make a stronger core?
  2. Arli
    Skink Priest

    Arli Moderator Staff Member

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    Saurus are pretty descent core. You could run a solo slann list and use the TG that you have as saurus. That will get you the 100 points you need probably (just to get you going). You could even run the saurus (with TG to fill the ranks) and put the slann in the unit. If you do this, you should make the slann etheral (if possible) and give him the crown of command (The crown will make the unit almost as good as TG). The only downside to this type of build is that unless you have a couple of other scar-vets/old bloods in the unit, the slann is in the front rank (that is where the etheral comes in). Make the slann the BSB and along with the crown of command you will have a poor man's TG unit made of saurus.
  3. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    You could run the slann in a skirmisher skink bunker behind you main battle line, lore of light will allow you to snipe and buff the units you want.
  4. graysarus
    Jungle Swarm

    graysarus New Member

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    So I did some more math when I was at work all night. ( the night shift gives me plenty of time to think) and I can run 2 units of 12 skirmishers and not sacrifice anything or do anything weird while still giving me at least 625 points. It also gives me 2 units I can use to harass some war machines if need be.

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