Please submit your feedback for the Skinkathalon competition. There are no bad suggestions!! Tell me... What worked? What didn't work? What did you think of the rules? (clear/unclear/confusing, etc...) What attracted you to the contest? What drove you away from the contest? I didn't enter anything in the general painting contest because the early entries far outclassed my ability. Did you like using judges, or would an open voting system be better? What did you think of the theme? Would you prefer there to be different mastery levels? (i.e. ameteur tier, master tier) Did the threat of Bob naming your entry frighten you? Are Scalenex's Zombies too scary? Do I really smell that bad? This is just to get things started, you don't have to answer every question (especially the last one) or answer questions in this order. All feedback is welcome.
What worked and what didn't? The idea to do a competition was great and to focus on skink only was a good decision! However it decreases the number of options, because for example a skrox unit would be much more attractive for a diarama! What about the rules? The rules were clear and good! Maybe make the competition longer an let everybody send in newly painted models! This motivates me to go paint and maybe others too! Also the combination of single and individual models could be changed? Or individual models or units! It is hard to compare a whole unit to one single perfectly painted model. Attraction Factor? Well, because it was a contest i liked it!! Voting system? The voting system could be better a combination. When you have 10 participants let the judge (about 3 people which aren't in the competition) make a top 3 and then open a poll for about a week to determine the first, second and third place! Mastery levels could be used to split up the categories, but you have to think how to decide which entry is master, which is average, which is amature Yea Scalenex was terrifying!
Well being used to Golden Demon i found Open category a bit confusing, as in past GDs you could even present props in open category, i'd like something more painting correlated , about the division in ties i'd do it only if there's a great number of partecipants....
What worked? Different categories was great. I liked that you showed the runner ups. Bob's hilarious comments. What didn't work? Personally I think that we need to differentiate between the various skill level of the painters. We aren't all equally good, which is fair, but it also means that some won't ever have a chance to win and others might completely stay away because they might feel that they aren't good enough. I'm just not sure how we do that. What did you think of the rules? (clear/unclear/confusing, etc...) I think they were mostly clear, but I was a little confused whether or not we were allowed to make a cohort unit with 8 regular skinks, a priest and a chief in it for a total of 10 skinks? Or if it needed to be 10 of the same kind of skinks. What attracted you to the contest? I think it's funny despite my skills as a painter. I enjoyed painting my skinks and I think it's a great initative to paint some models. What drove you away from the contest? I entered Did you like using judges, or would an open voting system be better? I think it's fine with judges. What did you think of the theme? It was great. Especially because most of us should have at least one skink lying around. It's something different if we're talking a slann or something (expensive model that takes a considerable time to paint). Would you prefer there to be different mastery levels? (i.e. ameteur tier, master tier) Yes, see previous respons. Did the threat of Bob naming your entry frighten you? <.< >.> So what if he did?! Are Scalenex's Zombies too scary? Only Bob scares me. Do I really smell that bad? .. and your smell
Please submit your feedback for the Skinkathalon competition. There are no bad suggestions!! Tell me... What worked? The contest in general. This was a good idea, and it is a worthy endeavor for your early mod career. What didn't work? I have mixed feelings about the Skink only rule. I did like to see Skink after Skink for the final part, but I would have liked to add my Saurus zombies. Also I think we probably would have had more entries with a broader allowed set of entries. What did you think of the rules? (clear/unclear/confusing, etc...) Nothing, there was some early minor things but Qupakoco wisely heeded the counsel of Scalenex for some minor editing suggestions. What attracted you to the contest? The concept coincided with me recently becoming a mod and me stepping up my modeling with a weekly painting/modeling day with my friends every Thursday. What drove you away from the contest? I figured the diorama contest would be a small field and I was already working on a unit filler anyway, so I just upped the ante by actually basing it. Same thing with the rank and file zombies (I figured I'd have a chance with a relatively small field but didn't expect to win). I have a plan for the greatest Skink zombie ever, but I had trouble getting the parts to fit, so I will have to surprise you all with it later. I didn't enter anything in the general painting contest because the early entries far outclassed my ability. I think we need a basic and advanced tier, at least for painting. Conversions I think offer a (relatively) level field between basic and advanced painters because the painting is relatively unimportant. I do not believe we should create basic and advanced tier for dioramas or conversions until we have double the entries. Maybe triple. Did you like using judges, or would an open voting system be better? I won't say it didn't work because it did. I think it would work better if we did voting over judging. I like the Carpe Noctern system best where the big awards are from polls and there were category spanning awards handed out by judges (most realistic, most scary, most humorous, most disturbing, weirdest, etc) What did you think of the theme? I have mixed feelings as alluded to above Would you prefer there to be different mastery levels? (i.e. ameteur tier, master tier) Yes Did the threat of Bob naming your entry frighten you? With a judging system, slightly. If there was a voting system, I'd imagine a Spawning of Bob of name would win votes by being memorable. Are Scalenex's Zombies too scary? I overcompensated due to a comment on my Painting Plog about the WIP model. Also I have to work harder to impress my Carpe Noctern friends. I plan to go darker with my upcoming Corpse Cart and maybe a Frankenstein style Abyssal Terror cobbled together from dinosaur and Chaos Spawn parts (or a Mutalith if I feel like I'm made of money). Do I really smell that bad? I've never met you face to face but all the Alaskans I've met before believe in good hygiene, so I'm going to guess you are fine
What worked? The contest worked! It was a great idea and I had alot of fun planning an painting a model to enter. What didn't work? Seemed to be somewhat short on entries. I dunno what could cause this, but people not entering because of really good entires might be a factor. Maybe the three categories wasn't needed. Instead conversions and dioramas could give extra points added to the score. What did you think of the rules? (clear/unclear/confusing, etc...) The rules were good and clear, given that you actually read them. The restrictions forces some creativity while making judging easier since models are somewhat similar in size, difficulty etc. What attracted you to the contest? I just like putting my little guys out there! What drove you away from the contest? Nothing. I didn't enter anything in the general painting contest because the early entries far outclassed my ability. Well Neveroddorevens skink priest was far better than mine, but that didn't stop me at all! Did you like using judges, or would an open voting system be better? I'm not in it to win it, there are ups and downs to both. A voting system might not give any votes to several model of less quality, futher making the contest more unattractive to those who did not join because of better entries. What did you think of the theme? The theme was nice and the limits breeds creativity. Other themes could be saurus, monsters or lords & heroes just to name a few. Would you prefer there to be different mastery levels? (i.e. ameteur tier, master tier) Personally this doesn't matter to me, altough splitting the conversion and diomara categories might not be such a good idea since there were so few entires. But if it brings more people to the contest then sure! Did the threat of Bob naming your entry frighten you? Yes! I was tempted to let him name one though. Are Scalenex's Zombies too scary? Like killer rabbits. Do I really smell that bad? Only on Mondays.