hi, im thinking of getting some skinks for my army but as i am new to lizardmen i was wanting to know what they should have. should i use them as skirmishers or as formations. shpuld they have the blow pipes or javalins and if im correct those with the blow pipes have no save do they. please i need help
You are correct. The blowpipes have to be skirmishers. However, fantasy does not have the strict WYSIWYG rule that 40k has. I have some of mine modeled so that they could be either javelins or blowpipes (I glued a shield and a javelin to the back of a skink like a supply pack). As far as preference goes, I like the javelin skinks better in 8th edition. Javelins are quick to fire, that means they can always stand and shoot and get no modifier to hit (except for greater than half distance). With blowpipes, if you are greater than half distance and double tapping, you will be hitting on 7s (no poison). If you have no skinks in your army I would suggest that you get 2 boxes of skinks (at least) and model 50/50. Personally, I own about 110 skinks or so. I like hordes of skinks (with Kroxigors).
thanks, i am gettin the box set with 12 skinks and will later get a box to add with some kroxigors. was wanting to know what to do with the 12, i like ur idea of the "supply pack"will allow me to test what works best, thanks.
Some people are purists and will try to enforce the WYSIWYG rule from 40k. But it is mentioned in the fantasy book (I think) that it is not used in fantasy. Again, if you want, do all of them with blowpipes or all of them with javlin and shield. Then just point out in friendly games what they are.