8th Ed. Skirmish Heavy Lists

Discussion in 'Lizardmen Discussion' started by Gollum9, Apr 21, 2012.

  1. Gollum9
    Jungle Swarm

    Gollum9 New Member

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    I currently play Ogres and am looking to play something a bit different. Skirmish heavy Lizardmen looks fun and i'm just wondering how competetive they can be. So, a few questions...................

    1) Would you use single or double Slann? I am not planning on using them in Saurus/TG units so will they be survivable enough without?

    2) Probably going to use Skrox units for the combat units. What would you use or is it best just to use large numbers of skirmish units?

    3) Would a unit or 2 of Terradons be a good addition or are the Chameleons and Cowboys good enough WM hunters?

    I have a rough idea of a list in mind but just wanted to get your ideas on the above before I start.

    Thanks for any ideas or advice you can provide.

  2. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    Skirmisher lists are great!

    1, Double slann can be very good, if a little tricky to fit in good gear for them. Typically i see metal and light in a tourney environ, although everyone else will shout about using shadow.

    2, No need to use skrox at all but i have seen multiple small skrox units used. Even lists with min cohort units without skrox to really annoy opponents.

    3, I would take them all :D

    Heres my single slann 2000pt skirmisher list for a tournament in june im playing in.

    MOMUS 1.2

    Light slann BSB, +1PD, Soul of stone, plaque of extra spell

    Scar vet, cold one, LA, charmed shield, dawnstone, burning blade

    Scar vet, cold one, LA, GW, dragonhelm, amulet of Itzl, firefly venom

    Priest, cube of darkness

    6X10 skirmisher skinks

    2X10 cohort skinks (with musicians)

    2X3 terradons

    2X5 camo skinks


    2 salamander

    1 razordon

    1 razordon
  3. MOMUS
    Cold One

    MOMUS New Member

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    Not entirely sure on soul of stone, probably swap for becalming.
  4. erians

    erians Active Member

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    Played right you don't need any protection at all for a Slann and he is still going to be very easy to keep alive as long as you're not afraid of throwing him into a saurus or skink unit when needed (but thats true even with max protection). Double Slann is costs a lot more so unless you have a very specific plan that involves 2 Lores then go for single.

    Skrox can't replace Saurus, they have different roles in an army list. If you want a combat unit take Saurus. If you want a fast flanking unit, take Skrox.

    Depends on how many cammos you have. Cowboys are pretty lacklustre WM hunters due to their slow move and the fact that they can get shot down fairly easily by most artillery pieces. Cowboys are better at picking off fast cav, skirmishers, archers and other small non-combat units.
  5. Gollum9
    Jungle Swarm

    Gollum9 New Member

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    Some great info already, thanks guys!

    That list looks like very much like what I'm going for. How would you up it to 2,400? More skinks, 3rd unit of camo's maybe.

    How confident would you be going against a bus or gutstar? I would have thought snipe around the edges with a ton of poison shots but would be good to hear about your experiences.

    On a slightly seperate note, although no one knows for sure, are there any rumours of lizzies getting a new book or should the existing one be ok for a while?

    Thanks again
  6. BEEGfrog

    BEEGfrog Member

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    No real problems with the LM book and LM being a medium seller means that it will be a couple of years before a new book at the soonest. Lots of other books need to be done first.
  7. Turtleneck
    Cold One

    Turtleneck New Member

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    i play skirmish heavy lists for 1750 and up
    4 units of skinks with java lin skirmish
    some blowpips
    2x2 sallies
    duo slann
    scar vets with some cold ones :)

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