8th Ed. skirmisher charge

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by wolfmage, Jul 30, 2010.

  1. wolfmage
    Temple Guard

    wolfmage New Member

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    This is a two part question on combat the first is specific to pegasus the second is all skirmishers
    when the pegasus charge because they do not rank up how do you work out thier charge arcs as if it is from the model then they can be deployed in a circle and have 360 degree los and how do they rank up in combat they just don't fit.

    seconly do you work out the charge arcs for skirmishers before or after they close up as it could mean they charge something they cannot see.
  2. Eagleblaze
    Temple Guard

    Eagleblaze New Member

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    Skirmishers are in a fixed (albeit "loose") formation now and have a foward, side and rear arc at all times. PP 77 states that "If skirmishers declare a charge they immediatly tighten their formation". This suggests that you work out the arc first but since all that is happeneing is you are reducing the length of your unit it is a rare thing indeed that losing those extra few inches will take the target out of your front arc. Don't forget you get a free 90 degree wheel when charging.

    Charging rules (PP16) state that one or more model must be able to trace LOS and it must be atleast partially within your front arc.

    So, when declaring (prior to tightening ranks) it must be in LOS and within arc - then you tighten formation - then you move.

    This is how I interpret this anyway, others may disagree.


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