8th Ed. Skroks

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Zenzi, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. Zenzi
    Jungle Swarm

    Zenzi New Member

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    Hello, I don't actually play Lizardmen but one of the people I play games with has just started them. Our group doesn't play fantasy too terribly often so we are all pretty rusty/new to the rules.

    Anyways the Spawn-kin rule has confused us all. The part of the rule thats really throwing a loop is "Whenever you are required to work out the unit's frontage or ranks(and therefore support attacks and rank bonus) count as if the entire unit was filled with skinks.

    In a standard Skroks unit 3 krox and 24 skinks, how many skinks get to attack, when in a standard formation.


    Is it just the front rank of skinks (Which I'm pretty sure is the case) or do the 2nd rank of skinks (3rd Row/4th???) also get to attack. (since they are interpreting the rules as the skinks are standing on the krox.) I'm sure this sounds like a stupid question but the way that rule is worded I can't find the way to describe that too them.

    Also 1 more question that has been brough up about this rule, are you only allowed to attack the Krox Since the rule says. "unless otherwise stated, close combat attacks can only target kroxigors within a mixed unit if an enemy model is either in base contact with a kroxigor, or if an enemy model is in base contact with a skink who is in turn in base contact with a kroxigor." Since this has also been brought up by them.
  2. godswearhats

    godswearhats New Member

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    The poor wording on this rule has dogged Lizardmen players since the new book was released. To answer your questions in order:

    You are correct. Just the front rank of Skinks get to attack. In fact, if the second rank is entirely Kroxigor, you are always rolling just two sets of dice - one for the front rank of Skinks, one for the second rank of Krox.

    The generally applied interpretation of this rule is that if you're in base contact with a Skink that is in base contact with a Krox you can choose to attack either the Skinks or the Krox. The ambiguous part is "attacks can only target Kroxigor" - did GW mean "you must only target Kroxigor" or did they mean "the only time you can choose to attack Kroxigor"? Most people assume they mean the latter as that makes most sense.

    Hope this helps,
  3. Zenzi
    Jungle Swarm

    Zenzi New Member

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    Thanks for the information, how exactly does that unit interact with a horde formation? do the krox count as Row 2/3 so only the skinks would be able to use the extra rank of supporting attacks?
  4. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    That's exactly it!
  5. Screamer
    Temple Guard

    Screamer Member

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    The problem is this (multiple footprints and supporting attacks) isn't at all covered by the rules. They don't really specifies what they mean with "second/third rank". Supporting attacks in horde formation should have "fight in extra rank" special rule, but instead GW made it complicated...

    As an example: cowboy in front row of saurus. Can one saurus make supporting attack (since he's in base contact with the scar vet) and if they go horde, is it still only one, or can 2 make supporting attacks?

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