I have a few slaan questions i hope someone can answer. First if slaans a bsb and runs does he auto die.and second can he use transformation of kadon since its says he cant leave the group.if he can would he just pop back to where he began after transformation?
A) yes if any standard bearer breaks from combat, they are removed as a casualty automatically. And a BSB slann is no exception so watch where you end up with your BSB slann B) Due to the lizardmen FAQ, a slann cannot use the spell Transformation of Kadon in any situation so the question about not being able to leave the unit doesn't matter as he can't cast it
You can, however, chose to run away before combat. You only die if you flee while in combat (from a break test).
units that are immune to psych can't choose flee reaction though, so if he is in TG bunker, run is not an option.