7th Ed. Slann by himself question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Boomer, Nov 23, 2009.

  1. Boomer

    Boomer Member

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    A Slann is by himself (no TG). A unit of some skinks are directly in front of him but NOT with him. Can he "float up" per the Guardian rules and draw the usual line of sight "as though a large target" from behind the skinks in order to cast his spells and launch magic missiles etc?...

    It seems to me that he should.

    It seems that being with the TG shouldnt make any difference on how the Palanquin operates and that the rule is primarily trying to address how he behaves when in the required second rank as it relates to close combat and casting spells (which normally he would not be allowed when not in the front rank). Further it says that a "Slann placed in the second rank may ACT AS NORMAL". So when in the front rank of a regular unit, or whether by himself, why would he still not ACT AS NORMAL (floating up and having line of sight as though a large target etc.) as well?

    Hope this made sense.

    tx all :)
  2. Eternity_Warden

    Eternity_Warden New Member

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    I believe the Slann can only levitate when he is with Temple Guard because the large target LOS rule is described only in the Guardian rules. I would say if he could float anytime it would have been stated in a separate rule.

    However, there is of course a chance that you are right, seeing as GW is not known for its rules clarity. ;)
  3. Dreadgrass

    Dreadgrass Member

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    Im afraid your only chance of this idea working is to appeal to your opponents common sense. Logically it makes complete sense that the palaquin itself is doing the floating, not some obscure assistance by the TG.

    However, the Rules As Written are very clear, the slann does NOT have any rule that states he can float up and see as a large target. It is a special advantage that the TG allow him to do whilst he is with them. Maybe they're throwing him, maybe they carry around a giant Carjack and lifting him, either way, no TG=No special LOS rules.

    Sorry to bust your bubble, if your just playing friendly games with your mates then maybe talk it over with them, most opponents I think would just be happy you don't have a 2+ save T4 Stubborn Ld 8 Cold blooded ranked unit (did I mention Immune to psych and 2 attacks each with at least S4?) sitting in the middle of your lines... However, In any tournament, or in any serious setting Im afraid you'll be out of luck.
  4. Boomer

    Boomer Member

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    Yup I follow what your saying...and it appears its gotta go that way cause "dats what it says"...who knows... but I dont think that was Hoare's "legislative intent" ultimately because its not logical to think its only allowed within the TG...I love your "car jack" comment...that was a hoot...anyway I think he was trying to say by way of the ACT NORMALLY comment that the Palanquin can do special stuff from the second rank as well as under normal cicumstances (not in the second rank)...hence the ACT NORMALLY remark...anyway I appreciate the input ...maybe a future FAQ might address it better but I sure wont hold my breath that it will be clarified soon...probably take as long as it takes a Slann to decide if he should burp or not (1,000 years maybe?)

    Tanks much ;)
  5. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    From the LM FAQ:

    So even in friendly games you shouldn't really use it even though the interpretation makes no sense at all... If there is just 1 TG still alive, he can float and have large target LoS (obviously 1 TG can't do anything to help him) but when that guy goes, he can't. Such is life.
  6. Boomer

    Boomer Member

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    My bad...the June of 09 GW FAQ for Lizzies says exactly that...grrrr...anyway I do disagree though that as long as you have one TG, the Slann can hide behind him...PG 41 of the Lizzie book "...by the normal Warhammer rules a rear rank cant be larger than the front." Since the Slann actually takes up 4 files that would make the rear rank larger and in viloation right...I'd say the minimum TG for the Slann to duck behind would have to be 2 - not 1...right?
  7. Boomer

    Boomer Member

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    Oops...I see what you mean...you are saying with 1 TG he still can do his "floaty" thing (Large Target LOS)...even if he is having to be in the front rank...sorry :oops:
  8. strewart

    strewart Well-Known Member

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    Yeah exactly. If there was 1 left he would have to move to the front rank, but he would be able to float up and get his LoS bonus. If there were 2 left he could still hide in the second rank, but by that stage I don't think it would really matter.
  9. Sebulba
    Temple Guard

    Sebulba New Member

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    At first this seems like a very unfair rule with no logical reasoning behind it. But I think we're missing the point. I think GW phrased the rule this way for several reasons that actually help us. First, they decided to put the Slann in the second rank of the Temple Guard so that he can't be challenged/killed in close combat to reflect the fluff of the Temple Guard defending him till the last man. They foresaw a problem with questions about line of sight so they created a rule that gave him the large target rule so that he could see over the temple guard to cast spells. But wait, then he could be picked out by shooting and they'd get a +1 to shoot at him. So they created this funky rule to allow him to "see like a Large Target" only when he was with Temple Guard. Which I think is fair.

    Solo Slann mage's would be slightly annoying if you could use this rule whenever. Hey, my slann's behind a hill...

    He can see you but you can't see him...

    It would be awesome if he could just float up to be a large target whenever he wanted but you can see where this might be a problem.

    Our codex is really balanced, much more balanced than other armies. I mean, you can't really spam one unit to be really good or get one special character to win your games with. You kind of have to use a little bit of everything.

    We kind of have a cool Army list :)
  10. Boomer

    Boomer Member

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    I think strewart is seriously onto something about the "car jack" as well as your comment...remember the OOP model of the Slann being carried by his 4 TG?...I think in the "minds eye" of this rule, is what the Palanquin is trying to get at...its just the rule got too fancy for its own good...basically it makes more sense to just say the TG are the only ones to guard and carry the fat toad and he can act with Large Target LOS even tho he is not one...there ...easier to visualize and its done...at least I find that view easier to swallow...but then again when he's alone you need some fancy high-falootin floating pancake to explain it......oh well

    Booms :D

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