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7th Ed. slann in skirmishing skink unit?

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by dbukalski, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. dbukalski
    Jungle Swarm

    dbukalski New Member

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    1) can slann join skirmishing skinks? Ogres are infantry, or was it us1 to join skirmishers?

    2) Can skink priest on stegadon join infantry blocks? What are look out sir roles for a character on a large target?

    3) if the priest gets killed mid combat round does the stegadon get ejected from the unit on the spot....in the next friendly movement phase?

    4) If scar vet on cold one joines infantry. If you have horn of Kygor which makes cavalry stubborn in 12" does that stubborn translate to the infantry?
  2. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    1:no only roughly man sized character can " brb pag 67 "
    2:yes he can. No look out sir.character inc mount that have us5 do Not benefit from the losir rule. Stagdon is basic us10 "brb pag 75"

    3:i"d say the mount stays in the unit bit cant fins aanything about it in the brb
    4:yes, stubborn from al character is transferred to the joined unit. ( brb pag78stubborn).
  3. blackhawk
    Chameleon Skink

    blackhawk Member

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    i looked question 3 up, cause i wasnt sure and remember it vaguely to be in the errate.
    and so it did:
    http://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_Cus ... n_2009.pdf
    page 4, last questions.

    its states that the monster is placed out of the unit as close as it can. he is moved to this position at the end of the phase when it's rider died.

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