Hi there all, Just a question about the Slann Priest model. I have seen the new one where he is floating and by the looks of things he is on a 40x40 base? I have also seen one where he is being carried by Temple Guard. Will the one where he is being carried by Temple guard fit on the same size base? I like the model but I don't want to get something that isn't the same so to speak. Any help would help. LL
They are both on 50mm. The one with the temple guard is the 5th edition older model. Although, originally he was on two cavalry bases. A lot of people don't like the "magical floating rock" so they make conversions. Most typical, they make him being carried by gaurd or they make a throne of vines. Normally always on a 50mm base,
Fortunately I never finished assembling my carried by Temple Guard base and I painted everything but hte Temple Guard. Minus the Temple Guard, the throne fits pretty wellon a 50x50 bae