Here's an idea I came up with for a solo Slann; see what you think about it. Slann Mage Priest - Focus of Mystery - Focues Rumination - Higher State of Consciousness - Arabyan Carpet - Obsidian Amulet - Lore of Shadow Total: 455 points Now, you're probably thinking that he comes in a tad more expensive than usual, but consider that you're fielding him solo, so you're not buying him the usual bodyguard unit of Temple Guard. And you don't really need them anyways, because he's only affected by magical attacks, and he's got a 2+ ward save. Oh yea, and he can fly, AND he can ninja himself around if you've got multiple characters on the board. Anyways, on to some neat combos: - Steed of Shadows: There's already a hefty topic talking about whether or not you can cast this on a mounted Skink Chief and fly your Stegadon 12" away. If this gets FAQ'd, and you can indeed do it, it opens up a whole new world (Arabyan Carpet - see what I did there?) of possibilities. - The Withering: Hit someone with this, and then hit them with a Salamander template. Even if they are tough and have a good armor save, they won't enjoy this. - Okkam's Mindrazor: Park yourself close to a unit so they can benefit from your Ld 9, and then cast this spell and watch as even Skinks become a heavy hitting unit.
Aside from the Carpet, can a unit with Okkam's Mindrazor use the general's leadership? I thought it was only the unit's highest unmodified leadership.
I've been messing around with "seeding" my shadow Slann's army with lots cheap heroes, giving him a wide choice for smoke & mirrors teleportation. Without temple guard, it's great having an easy out if an enemy character sneaks a charge through, or to put my battle standard exactly where I need it. And, once Steed of Shadows gets definitively FAQ'd, you can bet my stegadon chief is going to be attacking from some very interesting angles...
I like the seeding of cheap hero's I tend to do that in my Gobbo horde, and the steed of shadows adds a nice addition to it.
I've cleared it with my local games group, and we have the same attitude to most iffy rules. If you cant disprove it, go for it! Ive not had fun with it yet though :3