2400 No Slann Old Blood GW Light Armour, Arabyan carpet, Stegadon Helm, Dragonhelm.l Old Blood Great Weapon, Shield, Armour of Destiny, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem Ironcurse Icon General Tetto'Eko Skink Priest lv 2 Dispell Scroll Skink Priest lv2 Cube of Darkness Scar Vet, Shield, Light armour, BSB, Razor Standard 38 Spear Saurus Full Command led by General+bsb 20 Skink Cohort, Jav/Shield, standard led by Tetto 10 skirmisher blowpipe led by cube priest 10 skirmisher blowpipe led by scroll priest Ancient Stegadon, Sharp Horns 4 Kroxigor, Ancient 5 Chameleon skinks 5 chameleon skinks 2398 Not 100% sure in the gear for the Flyrus, I feel like he really should have a Weapon, possibly piranha blade, carpet, and dragon helm Aside from that, thoughts?
Magic Carpet OB - Can't have the stegadon helm and the dragonhelm together, both are magic armour. You might try the following setup... Old Blood Light Armour, Arabyan carpet, Dawnstone, Sword of Might, Enchanted Shield He's extremely survivable with a 1+ rerollable save, and still fairly strong and has a magic weapon in case you need him to dart out and kill something ethereal. It also seems like you've got a lot of points in characters overall, you might consider toning down the skink priests to level 1 or dropping one entirely.
Didn't think of that, I'll change it, probably to your suggestion, seems a reasonable hunter of most things Dropping a priest also drops my scrolls by one, which would hurt, I may drop one to lv1, as I like going magic heavy, but don't feel the slann are overly worth it, and kinda fancy something new, where would you put those 35 points?