Is it worth spending 50 points on a second disipline (2nd = Focus of mystery) for my slann (1st = Focused rumination) rather than just giving him the plaque of tepok?? and that's another question, do YOU get to pick the extra spell, or just roll another d6??
It's definitely worth it. 50 points for 5 extra spells, or 15 points plus your arcane item slot for 1 extra spell. And you would roll another D6 when using the Plaque of Tepok.
There are normally 6 spells in each lore. You get 4 random by the mage himself, 5 random with the plaque or all 6 with the Disapline. I like having all 6 but it is up to you.
I always take my Slann with Rumination and Focus of Mystery. +1 dice on all spells and know all spells is a must for an offensive Slann. I would even opt to take a 3rd discipline namely Becalming Cognition (or 2x Power Stones for a completely offensive Slann).
I personally don't like becalming disipline because i don't think i'll deploy my slann within 24" of another wizard, but then i've never played. Is it usable? do you usually set up that far apart?
Its very useful. I have jammed my opponent (Lord of change or High elf Lord) over and over with it. It is a great way to shut down enemy magic; it means no unstoppable force so everything can be dispelled.
You will inevitably move closer to your opponent during the battle, so even in the first turn you may find it is in range to work.. 50 points is a lot for two extra spells, it would depend on the lore I was choosing and what I wanted out of the magic. Of course, with the first discipline of a free dice for each spell, it effectively gives you an extra 2 free dice because it is an extra two spells to cast. Good combination.
OH sorry i misread the codex, i thought that it was only at the start of the game you nominatea wizard, well that makes it a lot more useful now! Thanks