Slihe'uain The Slippery

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by Why, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Why

    Why New Member

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    This is a character I am building for an arena of death event in my area. But I plan to add him to my tabletop lizardman army.

    Mage Lord Boug'er E'at-er sat in the eternity chamber. Unmoving, his heart did not beat and his lungs did not expand; the mage lord was in the very deepest form of meditation. His spirit form flew across the jungles of Lustria, oddly he felt drawn to a small pool of water amongst the Turtle Isles. As his spirit moved closer he observed something glowing within the water. As he approached even closer a dull green light flashed inside the pool, Boug'er E'at-er inferred that this must be a long lost spawning pool. He watched as a form materialised in the water and emerged from the pool. It was a mighty saurus warrior, his size matched that of even Krog-Gar. But something was different about this saurus, he had very few scales and those that he did have looked soft like an Itzi grub. The saurus warrior stepped out of the pool and ran quickly into the jungle. Boug'er E'at-er decided he would keep watch on this strange warrior, to discover what purpose the old-ones had devised for him.

    After only a few days of observation Boug'er E'at-er understood. The saurus' scales had not dried the way a normal saurus' do, they remained slick and wet, and a strange slime seeped from his skin like that of a slug. The saurus had showed incredible understanding of how to survive in the jungle, finding plenty of food and even stealing a cold one egg. Which Boug'er E'at-er assumed was to be trained as a mount. However, shortly after stealing the egg the saurus wandered into the territory of a massive carnosaur. The carnosaur quickly snatched up the saurus in it's jaws. Boug'er E'at-er was frustrated to see that the Old ones had created this saurus only for him to be eaten by a carnosaur. But the carnosaur did not devour the saurus, instead when he closed his jaws the saurus slipped out from in between the teeth of the mighty carnivore. Surprised, the carnosaur swept a giant claw at the saurus, but only ended up with a claw full of slime. At this point the confused carnosaur steped back from it's prey the saurus warrior. The saurus then let out a mighty below to assert his dominance on the beast. The creature quickly fled the area, disturbed by the strange saurus.

    Boug'er E'at-er awoke abruptly from his meditation. He summoned his fastest skink messenger and ordered him, "Travel to the Turtle Isles, as fast as your terradon will fly. You must fetch Slihe'uain The Slippery Saurus."

    The build:
    Saurus Old blood
    Cold One

    Fencer's Blades
    Glittering Scales
    Bane Head

    6 WS 10, S 5 attacks that double on the other guy :p
    WS 10 and -1 to hit=awesome, 1+ reroll able armor.
    No ward, means he has to chill with some COC or hide behind a stegadon.
    Killing blow makes him sad, so avoid it. Duh... :rolleyes:
    Sadly, even if he is supposed to have less armor than normal, as an oldblood he just can't escape it :sexy:

    Alternate Build:
    Old blood
    Cold One
    Piranha Blade
    Glittering scales
    Opal Amulet
    Potion of strength

    The Model!

    I have few other pictures if you want to see more.

    Which colours should I paint him? I really have no idea, I was thinking blue with water effects???
    How does he look?
    Is the background acceptable?
    Is the build(s) useful?

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  2. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    I don't think mounted units can use the Fencer's Blades. The model looks neat.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    This has come up before, mounted heros can definately use fencers blades.
    (I use them a lot) :meh:
  4. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Bluish green base coat
    blended to Bright green
    with a yellowish green highlights
    a thined green wash
    some more yellowish green highlights
    and a nice coat of gloss.
  5. Why

    Why New Member

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    I'm making a new one with 2 weapons to better represent the fencer's blades.

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