7th Ed. Smoking Boots

Discussion in 'Battle Reports' started by Chaq Mundi, Mar 29, 2010.

  1. Chaq Mundi

    Chaq Mundi New Member

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    Hi, there! So recently, I participated in a 2,500 point tournament. I was feeling pretty good about it as my opponent and I set up our armies (he was playing Warriors of Chaos). He got the first turn; nothing very noticeable happened during his Turn 1. Then, in my Magic Phase, still turn 1, My Slann Miscasted! Then, as if that wasn't bad enough, I rolled a 1 for the Cupped Hands. To make matters worse, he used the Infernal Puppet to turn my miscast into a 3, killing 10 of my 16 Temple Guard. The rest of the game played out in much the same fashion, with bad luck following bad luck, again and again. When we tallied up the Victory Points, I had scored a mere 88 points, and he had 3,500 points (My entire army + all 4 table quarters, 4 banners, General and BSB). After this, the Store Manager Bestowed upon me the Smoking Boots Award, because all that was left of me were a pair of smoking boots standing in a crater. If anyone has been beaten worse than that, I would like to shake their hand for being such a trooper (and also for not just quitting the game!).
  2. bradsul

    bradsul New Member

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    I had a game like that last week. I charged a unit of 18 Saurus including an Old Blood on cold one into a unit of 23 Dwarf Warriors. My Saurus didn't wound, my Old Blood didn't wound and the cold one didn't wound. Not because of armour saves, it didn't even get that far.

    I ended up getting tabled though I don't think it was as bad as your game. But when the Dice Gods decide you are going to lose, you will lose.
  3. The Hunted

    The Hunted Active Member

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    So true....

    Yeah, I've had such a game. My dwarves vs his O&G. By turn 5, all I had left were ~7 thunderers in combat. They had already used up their snake eyes for that day. And a block of 12 warriors, which was about to be flanked. Right after my thane was killed by a goblin big boss...(1250 points).
    Dice gods; better if you please them! *amen*

    The Hunted
  4. superskink3000

    superskink3000 New Member

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    Dude that sucks!!! I had a game with a friend, 2k lizards (me) vs skaven (opponent). I had absolutely destroyed his army to the man (rat?) by turn 4. I know how you must feel. Neither of us had fun, but what can you do?7 :shifty:

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