8th Ed. Some Rule Clarifications

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by kg1121, Nov 15, 2013.

  1. kg1121

    kg1121 New Member

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    I've been playing a lot of games recently and have run into a few questions I haven't fully been able to answer so I come to you for help.

    1. For salamander hunting packs can you target their artillery attack into close combat? The BRB states you can place the template on any unit and says nothing about no units in CC like for stone throwers and cannons. I have heard you cannot place a template on any units in CC but have been unable to see this in the BRB.

    2. This brings me to my second question, very similar to the first; a spell that uses a template be placed on a unit in CC? This mostly came about from the Purple Sun spell from death magic and I'm unsure of the ruling.

    3. For salamander hunting packs, the skink handlers specifically, do they take dangerous terrain tests as well, are they affected by a spell that targets the whole unit like a weapons skill or strength check, and finally they can fight in CC correct?

    4 Finally, on stand and shoot, if the shooters have multiple shots can they fire both shots at the -1 penalty? I feel like I read before that they can't but it may have been in an older BRB before I got my 8th edition one.

    Thanks for any clarifications you can give.
  2. Qupakoco
    Skink Chief

    Qupakoco Keeper of the Dice Staff Member

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    1. You cannot fire into CC. The target has to be an eligible target per the restrictions laid out in the Shooting section and in the Fire Thrower section.

    2. If the spell is Direct Damage or a Magic Missile, then no. Vortices can scatter into close combat, however. Targeting restrictions are laid out in the Magic section of the book under Spell Types.

    3. Handlers are completely ignored for all purposes except for wounding the Salamander and attacking in CC. No Dangerous Terrain tests, no Spell Resolution, no targeting them in CC. Think of them as markers for one-time 5+ ward saves.

    4. Yes, as long as you can shoot. Remember though... -1 for charging, -1 for multi-shot, and likely -1 for over half range. Means you'll be hitting on 7+, so no poison.

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