I know this is going to be a long shot but does anyone have the Saurus rider body (part number 33) from the Carnosaur kit that they aren't going to use? Just really hate how they provide all the parts to make an Oldblood on foot apart from a second body and GW doesn't do spare parts any more. Thanks, Ben
I do wish the same, but your best bet for one of these bodies is likely a bits seller. The issue with THAT though is that it's a heavily sought after bit to complete the second oldblood. I wish you luck.
Yeah I've tried all the ones I can find and eBay with no luck. I'm not surprised. The only other option would be to cast it but a) that's not legal b) even if it was I wouldn't have a clue what I'm doing and I would hate to mess up the one I do have lol. I'm probably just gonna have to kitbash something or use the parts elsewhere. Just frustrating. I can't believe they didn't see this being an issue. Oh wait yes I can.
If You want to try your hand at Greenstuffing, not sure if you have or not, but taking a body from the Cold One Riders kit and cutting/stuffing that with the chest, arms, and legs could work. It'll have a short tail though.
I had used a powder mould called insta mould you mix it with water to make a casting and its completely harmless to the original it's safe on skin food and all sorts. You can either put it in half way for one mould and then the other half and cast two halfs to glue together or just surround it and then cut out the halfs carefully later . I haven't actulley used a mould I made yet but it does work I could see all the details in the imprint the models left after I took them out. Don't worry too much about the legality games workshop are hardly likely to chase you down for an oldblood's body for personal use. Unless they are a money grabbing ruthless organisation, and come on guys we all know they are customer focused fan pleasers who enjoy nothing more than making sure the end consumer is happy.
Green stuff would be one way but that's a lot of sculpting and that was never my strong suit. I may end up experimenting with casting as I'm going to want more than one Oldblood at some point and so will be buying the other model too but having the two different models/poses just looks better. My biggest project is going to be Troglodon coming out of water/swamp conversion but at least there I can get spare parts pretty easily.
Where are you located? I can check postage for a regular envelope letter there and you just take care of postage