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Spawning of Bob - wait no more for custom dice !

Discussion in 'Painting and Converting' started by spawning of Bob, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Hey kids !

    You might be getting bored waiting for the Old Ones to decide on a new custom artillery dice design. (Actually you may be getting bored waiting for the Old Ones to do just about anything)


    While you wait for the long foretold return of the Old Ones you can fill in your hours of spare time by making your own custom dice (ask an adult if you can use paints, glue, a razor blade, alcohol and swear words first)

    6 pips a bit dull? Get a head!

    1. fill all but top right pip with green stuff. Be messy
    2. scrape of excess with razor blade or scalpel. start on equator line of each pip and work outwards to each pole
    3. allow to dry
    4. base coat in dice colour (first 4 steps not shown)
    5. pencil in design
    6. base coat shapes. I used mechrite red for head, light brown for spines, green for eyes
    7. gold top coat for spines (not shown)
    8. fine brush black outlines
    9. detail eyes / gems (see below)
    10. gloss polyurethane varnish top coat

    All those in favour, say Eye!

    Eyes get semi standard gemstone treatment (adapted from necrotales) http://www.necrotales.com/necroTutorials/tut_gemstonesf.php
    This seem to work equally well in relief or in a recess.
    1. Base coat in mid tone, your choice of colour
    2. Mix base colour with black 1:1, paint an ellipse into the top of the gem
    3. Mix base colour with white 3:1, paint a crescent along bottom of gem
    4. Dab a highlight of white in the dark ellipse.

    This looks better on my engine of gods, and better still from a distance.

    Job Done? No! When Bob rolls "snake eyes" he wants to see snake eyes!

    Bob couldn't be bothered green stuffing this time so he painted on a gem eye with a vertical pupil slit. Took ages. Did 4 layers of tones. Varnished it. And the whole lot scraped off with his fingernail. Seem that green stuff (or maybe the scraping process) helps your paint to stick.

    Since that failed, Bob did this with some sharpies.

    1. circle around pip, your choice of colour sharpy
    2. dot on methylated spirits (you did ask a grwn up about alcohol didn't you, kids?) with a fine detail brush at about 6 o'clock
    3. Very quickly dab (don't rub) off the liquid with a cloth. If you wait too long with blue it almost disappears. Red took several repeats to lighten up the bottom of the eye.
    4. sharpy on the black pupil, roughly diamond shaped and incorporating the hole for the pip.
    5. scratch off the ink to make a highlight point of base dice colour (about 1 o'clock)
    6. dab on some white paint on the highlight to brighten it up, if required. Hopefully this sticks to the scratched dice surface
    7. gloss varnish as above.

    My favourite eye is my first blue one above. With 6 more tries I couldn't replicate the shading, although most of the other blues look OK. The good news is that the messy ones will wipe off with metho on a cloth so I can start again.

    How do they roll?
    No worse than usual with 100 test rolls:
    1 16
    2 16
    3 16
    4 19
    5 19
    6 14

    You'll notice that they look better from a long way away, or with the lights off..... Just like Bob!

    I'll report back on durability after some games .
  2. newscales

    newscales New Member

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    awesome work bob
  3. T`hinker`er

    T`hinker`er Active Member

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    Going to give this a try!
  4. Lord Tsunami

    Lord Tsunami Member

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    most people weight their dice to roll 6s, not 1s :D

    i think the "snake eye" looks really cool, and ill give it a shot myself :)
  5. spawning of Bob

    spawning of Bob Well-Known Member

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    Sometimes ones are desirable.


    Actually, with my conservative style, I would forgo a few sixes to pass my break tests.
  6. FavoredoftheOldOnes

    FavoredoftheOldOnes Member

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    Haha good one

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