I looked and didnt see any tactics or any kind of theories on these guys. Being new to Lizardmen, how are our special characters? Any special tactics? Worth their points? We have a bunch of them and most look pretty frikken cool(my ultimate decider on whether to take them). Specifically the Eternity Warden intrigues me even though he is more costly than a Slaan it looks like, but I would like to hear about the others too.
Chakax is WAY too expensive for small games, I don't use him very much. I do use Gor-Rok and Oxyotl though, I think they pay back their points if you're using them smartly. Oxyotl, for example, can join a pesky marchblocking unit of chameleons and snipe from there the enemy wizard, as well as adding some strength to the charge of the unit. Gor-Rok is a very effective anvil since charges are useless against him. I bet that you can find some uses for them yourself, thats only my opinion