8th Ed. Stand and Shoot question

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by MI_Tiger, Jan 19, 2011.

  1. MI_Tiger
    Temple Guard

    MI_Tiger Member

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    Forgive the basic question, but I'm having trouble understanding exactly how the Stand and Shoot charge reaction works with Skinks short ranged weapons.

    If a charging enemy starts his move more than 6" away (short range for blowpipes and javelins) from a unit of skinks, do we have to take the long range penalty to our Stand and Shoot? If so, is this in addition to the -1 for Stand and Shoot?

    If so, then skinks will almost never get to double tap as a charge reaction, at least not if you want poison (hit on 4's normally, 5's at long range, 6's S&S, 7's double tap). This makes fleeing even more of an option.

    The more I play, the more I'm becoming a believer in javelin & shield. :)
  2. guitarhero

    guitarhero New Member

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    no long range penalty, just the -1 for stand and shoot.

    You can stand and shoot as long as you are farther than the charging units M value away.

    Both sets of skinks have their advantages.

    I do like a nit of 10 Javs (no command) on my flank though--disruption, speed, and shooting. For Cheap.
  3. n810

    n810 First Spawning

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    Don't forget Javelins have the rule where they can stand and shoot even if the enemy is too close.
  4. SanDiegoSurrealist

    SanDiegoSurrealist New Member

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    Standing and Shooting Blowpipe Skinks will (*almost) always be hitting on 5s (6s if you double tap).
    Normally hit on 4s, -1 for being charged, -1 for double tapping.

    Standing and Shooting Javelin Skinks will (*almost) always be hitting on 5s (no double firing javelins).
    Normally hit on 4s, -1 for being charged.

    Coolest thing about Javelins are they are Quick to Fire! So there is never any range penalty, movement penalty or minimum range for a Stand and Fire reaction. Just no double shots

    Also you can stand and fire with an Ancient Steg's Giant Blow Pipes. Nothing like your opponent saying "Well I don't want to get charged by that Steg, so I think I will charge it". Then getting a face full of 4d6 Poison Fury.
    Can potentially do more damage than the 1d6+1 impact hits.

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