8th Ed. stand and shoot

Discussion in 'Rules Help' started by Carnosaur Nr1, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. Carnosaur Nr1

    Carnosaur Nr1 Member

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    Do I get to stand and shoot if the target is out of range and charges?
    Do blowpipe have any minimum range when it comes to stand and shoot?
    Do I get any benefits if I make a charge from soft or hard cover so that stand and shoot is harder for the enemy?
  2. hdctambien

    hdctambien Active Member

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    You d o get to stand and shoot if the target is out of range. It is assumed that you wait until the target reaches your maximum range before you shoot. Even if the charging unit fails their charge, it is assumed that they charge into your maximum charge range and then fall back.

    You will end up with a -1 from being charged and a -1 from shooting at long range.

    If the charging unit is too close (within their regular movement), you cannot charge (unless you have quick to fire) So, the blowpipe does have a minimum range for stand and shoot but the Javelin does not.

    I don't know about the soft/hard cover question. It's never come up when I played. I think probably the -1 from being charged penalty takes into consideration that the charging unit might be in and out of cover on its way to the shooting unit.

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