I have now played lizardmen through 3 editions (starting at late 6th) and the only army I´ve ever played otherwise is an ogre army I borrowed for a toruney once. I must admit I am a bit sick of them, but I´ve never felt i could afford another army but now I finally do. So beastmen it is, after a tourney I am going to play with my lizards in two weeks it´s a new start with a beastmen batalion, a giant kit, a spawn kit and some green stuff (and paint, glue so on...) But i do wonder, for inspirations sake, does anybody know any good blog or website for the beastmen (herdstone.com is down) ? I also wonder what you think about painting the beastmen any other color than red/brownish, like grey/yellow or pink/black... almost demonic colours?! I want to have a winter theme on them as well since I love winter thems (lizards don´t really fit in those kinds of themes...) for example I am planning on using a Rhinox (the small kind) as a "count as" for a Razorgor. What do you think?
Herdstone is the best site I know of, about all you can do is wait until it goes back online again. Various shades of brown is about all I have seen for beasts, grey could look cool for some of them. Play around with a few ideas and see how they look, I'd certainly be keen to see some different coloured beasts if you did it.