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Starting Lizardmen

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by MultiArces, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. MultiArces
    Jungle Swarm

    MultiArces New Member

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    Hey everyone, my friends and I are all starting fantasy. We are have each chosen an army and I have chosen, of course, Lizardmen. I was wondering were are good place to start would be? What lord/hero to use etc. Thx :)
  2. themuffinman873
    Chameleon Skink

    themuffinman873 Member

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    For starting out I would recommend the battalion box, an old blood hero on foot, and a skink priest. This will allow you to field I think between 1000-1200 points, that is if you take everything. The problems with the battalion box is that only 10 TG is very underwhelming, and you may not want the CoC in the future (as they are an "inefficient" unit for the point cost).
    The benefits to this mash up, you have a caster, a hero or lord as they are the same model, and you can sub in one or 2 of your CoC as hero or lord on mount.

    Once you have played 5 or so matches you should consider expanding out. The game only gets better with more units.

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