Hi there folks, I'm gonna start painting LM, But I found a website called Maelstrom Games, they offer the miniatures at pretty low prices compared to GW itself, So has anyone ever ordered there, is it safe etc?
Yep I use it all the time, also they give free worldwide shipping and a moneyback rewards scheme, very good site. Only fault is sometimes when they have a sale or something, they get so many orders it can take a while before they ship yours. I have heard they have been good the last couple of months though. Also, moving this to off topic discussions.
I order here http://www.waylandgames.co.uk/games-workshop/warhammer/lizardmen/cat_14.html?page=0 and it seams to be cheaper than the other site...
Thanks for your reply, Anyone has some tips for a no-experience painter? As color-scheme i was thinking about greenish, with yellow scales. Any tip is welcome when it comes to painting! Read a few tips about drybrushing and washing but i don't really get it! Cheers !
I'll try to post some pictures shortly, but I have a similar colour schema voor my cold ones. Undercoat black Overbrush Yanden Dark Sun Overbrush Sunburst Yellow (yellow part) Overbrush Rotting Flesh (green part) Add a liberal wash of Green. Works for me. Edit: http://i114.photobucket.com/albums/n252/aunknorrie_2006/Ducosim%2015%20mei/IMG_6018.jpg aK
Its very hard for us to just give you a list of tips, typing out a big reply for everyone who asks. You know the name of the two main techniques, thats a good start, hit google with those keywords and you will find mountains of very good detailed tutorials. If you have more specific questions, I and others will be more than happy to help, and the best way to get some useful tips is to paint up a model and post some pictures, then we can give specific advice on how to improve. If I were to give you one piece of advice though, it would be water down your paints. Multiple thin layers ALWAYS looks better than one thick layer, but it takes longer so a lot of beginners do not do it.
Thanks guys for your replies, When i have everything together i will paint up a model and post a pic, But first I needa wait for my products to get in. Will let you guys see my first model, will be a bit crappy but OK. And as of time, i dont want them to just paint them fastly!
Wayland is cheaper, but Maelstrom has free worldwide shipping. I have used both, just remember when you are comparing prices to factor in the shipping from Wayland. Also, sign up to their newsletters and they send discount vouchers sometimes.
The downside to Maelstrom and Wayland and any other sites out there is that they do not stock the entire list of GW products. They are incredible price wise in comparison to GW and a great way to start your army!
Yeah, indeed they don't have EVERY , model, But anyway i ordered a battalion box lizardmen just to get started and try out some different color schemes!