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Starting Lizarmen and yes I heard the rumors

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Graymage, Jan 16, 2015.

  1. Graymage
    Jungle Swarm

    Graymage New Member

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    Hello, I recently started Lizardmen, mostly due to the fact while I have Tau and Tyranids for 40k I did not have a fantasy army to play with my friends at the hobby store.

    So I ended deciding to go Lizardmen, it was either them or Dwarves and I wanted a bit more options for a color scheme.

    This is all the units I have on order. spread out a bit to make it easier on the finances.
    Lizardmen Battalion x2
    Ripperdactyl Riders
    Bastiladon with Ark of Sotek
    Stegadon x2
    Lord Kroak
    Slann Mage Priest
    Salamander Hunting Pack x2
    Chameleon Skinks
    Saurus Oldblood on Cold One

    And Yes I know this is overkill for starting a faction but I prefer to do a faction or army with a very solid unit selection.

    My Meta has already decided to see what happens for 9th for if we need to convert or just stick to 8th Edition.

    I would likes some thoughts on unit equipment for when I start equiping and what versions to make.

    That and while I am familiar with 40k some of the terms and mechanics for fantasy are confusing me especially 2 things, Battle Standard Bearer and Lores.
  2. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Welcome to the forums!

    I don't fault you for buying an army now. While GW will probably do something we don't like for 9th edition, dropping Lizardmen does not seem to be one of those actions.

    If you buy some empty 40 mm bases you should be able to use the snake basing bits that come with the Cold One Riders in your Battlalion boxes to make several Swarms. So that's a unit that will cost you next to nothing.

    You got a good set of minis. I would suggest buying a box of Skinks. All those models and only 24 Skinks. I'd buy a Skink Priest or two.

    There are certainly models you could get, but you seem pretty set for a variety of armies without buying more stuff. You haven't bought any stinkers though most LM players prefer the Solar Engine over the Ark of Sotek and Chakax models are usually fielded as Scar Veterans or TG unit champions.
  3. Graymage
    Jungle Swarm

    Graymage New Member

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    Now you know why I posted this thread. To find out what I need or what to make. It wouldn't take much to add Skinks and my store already has Skink priest on hand.
  4. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Sounds good, I recommend building most of your Skinks as Javelin Skinks instead of Blowpipe Skinks. They have better saves and they can still hit with poison at long range while moving. And they work for Cohort or Skink Skirmishers.

    To narrow down future purchases, you should consider looking at this thread or cherry pick the Tactica Index to look at topics that interest you.
  5. Graymage
    Jungle Swarm

    Graymage New Member

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    oh and the Bastildon is the full kit. as I have yet to get any of the models.
  6. Scalenex

    Scalenex Keeper of the Indexes Staff Member

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    Well then you probably want to go with the Solardon, I've read people saying "The Ark did okay" but no one has yet to say "I like it better than the Solar Engine"

    You probably don't need Chakax (though the model LOOKS badass). You can also use regular Skink for Chameleon Skinks with the right paint job but if you like differentiated models go for it. I like Chameleon Skinks better than Terradon Riders though some disagree with me and others prefer both.

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