I have a quick question, if you use a Stegadon as an Engine of the Gods, where do the points for the mount go? Into your Hero choice or your rare choice? Cause if it also fill more points on the Hero list, then I doubt I will be able to fit 2 skinks and 1 on an EotG in, unless I start playing rather huge games. Correct?
The mount count in the character (in this case hero) department. This is one of the reason why we see less EOtG then we used to.
OMG... Suddenly I don't think the EotG is for me anymore... Would you say it is still worth it or not?
I haven't played one yet in 8th. I will not field one unless I am doing at least a 3k battle. With the changes to the template attacks, it is a giant target moving across the field. I would be more inclined to take it without a rider than using EOTG or a skink chief.
I have yet to play a game of 8th, but i'm of the firm belief that it's still a valid unit. Its burning alignment can still hurt, plus it gets thunderstomp in combat, can help your Slann/Skink priest cast his spells (cast the comet of cassandora into his artillery line and watch them scramble to get out of the way) and can offer a ward save to those around it. Whilst it's an even bigger cannon target, it always was one anyway in 7th, but that didn't deter people. A good amount of players won't even need the removal of guessing, as they could hit the target almost everytime anyway.
well for my 3000 point ard boys i took one and my slan of life with regrowth just brought it back too full health every turn and it even got charged on all sides by fast cav and just destroyed them i really like them i have a list that plays 5 steg and its a beast too play although if maz lives through 6 bolt throwers that is i would do better